Bigger, better, faster - 350 gallon

I'll be sure to be following along on this one.

And besides how cool it looks like its going to be, I love seeing tanks of people that are shopping where I'm shopping.
OK, quick update... Sticker SHOCK has set in and my wife has veto'd the design! :-( This is mainly because I actually have no equipment and/or livestock right now and doing a big bang purchase is not that appealing to us.

As a compromise, we have decided to start with a standard build and "stage" equipment and livestock for a year or two before getting started into the BIG custom build. Life is full of priorities and fortunately my wife is much, much smarter than me - I actually agree with this decision.

So, yesterday I purchased the following:

- 165g from DeapSeaAquatics (72" x 20" x 27")
- Stand and canopy (clean lines cherry finish)
- Precision Marine R36+ Refugium/Sump

The tank package was 1/3 the price of my custom design. I also purchase 2x EcoTech MP40's and a Bubble Magus Dosing pump (3x pumps and controller). This morning, I purchased the following:

- Precision Marine Kalkreactor KR620
- Neptune AquaController Apex
- Neptune Systems Energy Bar 8 (extra power outlets)
- AquaBus Wireless Expansion Module (WXM)
- Tunze Osmolator 3155
- Coralvue Salinity Refractometer
- Super Reef Octopus Biopellet Reactors
- Super Reef Octopus Media Reactors
- Super Reef Octopus XP-3000sss Internal Protein Skimmer
- Octopus Automatic Skimmer Neck OCT-CL220

The only remaining large purchase will be 3x Ecotech Radions. These will be purchased when I get back from vacation in a few weeks from my LFS. I'll start posting some real pics and hopefully I can get a stable/beautiful system with your help and guidance.


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Equipment Trickles In

Equipment Trickles In

Quick update, some equipment started to arrive:

  • 1x GAC media filter (MV-2000)
    1x GFO media filter (MV-2000)
    1x Bio Pellet Reactor (BR-140)
    1x Auto Head Cleaner for SRO-XP3000SSS (CL-220)
    1x Refractometer (WY-100)

It's like Christmas in May! :hb2:

Well i know your going to love the CL-220 i just installed mine 2 weeks ago. I've been running the 3000-int with out it for almost a year with good results however i was alawys lazy cleaning the cup but now with the neck cleaner installed my skimmate production has almost doubled. It makes be wonder how the tank survived with out it.
Good to know Kevin, how often do you run the cleaner? I figured every 4 hours or so. Your experience would be appreciated.
Deep Sand Bed (DSB)

Deep Sand Bed (DSB)


Need some advice and guidance on the sand bed. My last tank had a 4" DSB using sugar fine sand but I had issues with the sand fusing - big time. I attributed this to my bad habits when dosing ALK and thus causing pH swings. Also, I did not notice many worms and critters which was needed to stir up the DSB.

I am hoping to avoid this problem again! My plan:

  1. Bottom 3" will use dry sand - CaribSea sugar fine
  2. Top 1" will use live sand - CaribSea original
  3. Refugium will use 2" miracle mud + seed sand from LFS tank
  4. Seed the refugium and tank with live ocean pods (

I will also use a doing pump for Kalk and 2-part. This will dose 24 hours and hopefully prevent any major swings. My only worry is dosing Kalk via my Tunze ATO - interms of pH swings. I am strongly thinking of changing this to using my Bubble Magus doing pump instead. I am determined to avoid adding anything manually to the tank myself and thus promote more stability.

Comments? Advice?
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May I suggest putting the overflow on the outside.

+1 it really helps. It will make accessing the bulkhead easier instead of having to access them under your tank. Mine are under my tank and I almost decided to have a new custom tank built to deal with this oversight. And more room in tank.
Looking good fazilosman! I am building a similar set up to yours right now. Mine is a 240 pennisula.

As for DSB. Have you read Live Sand Secrets by Goemans? A good read for anyone utiizing a DSB. If I remeber correctly, he said 2-4mm sized grain rocks are best. I think Borneman also did a study back in 2005 and presented the results at MCNA in Boston. Try doing a google search to find it.

I opted out from doing one in my new system that I am currently building. I am choosing to do a remote DSB mainly becuase I want the option to take it offline if I need to repair it so I don't have to deal with disturbing the tank.

Regarding your pump: I am not sure if you are still using the reeflo pump. If you are, you should be able to dial it back and not have to have the excess flow back to your sump. It will actually reduce the amps used.

Have you already purchased the pump?
Hey Brett, thanks for the reply, I read the Borneman article a while back. Just read Bob Fenner and Ron Shimeck's articles again after a few years and it's very good. Also read the articles on Juebert type DSB with plenum. Various authors suggest that a plenum is not much use in the DSB - according to my understanding of the articles.

I will go reread Borneman's article again. I also wanted to do a RDSB but space is an issue due to everything being under the tank in the sump. I may still do this but will evaluate when I get the tank and sump TODAY!

Given that the refugium will be in the sump, I will not have the option to take it offline. On the return pump, I opted to get a new internal pump. I purchased a Water Blaster HY-16000W that seems very impressive (4,000g/h). Figuring head loss and feeding my other reactors, bio-pellet and 2x media should be pumping about 1,200g/h to the tank returns.

I chose this option for two main reasons: 1) did not want to drill the sump right way and 2) need to have my Hammerhead rebuild after sitting on the shelf for 2 years.

Thanks again and keep me posted on your build.

+1 it really helps. It will make accessing the bulkhead easier instead of having to access them under your tank. Mine are under my tank and I almost decided to have a new custom tank built to deal with this oversight. And more room in tank.

Ahh, got it now... Thanks for the information and makes sense. My last tank was internal also and I never had any issues. Let me ask another question - why do you need to access the bulk head after getting everything setup?

I understand that you may need to access the durso's, stand pipes etc. for a little cleaning and to remove any flow obstructions. But I cant think of another reason to access the bulkheads more frequently.

Thanks for the info...
You probably don't need to access them in the future, but you never know. The gasket could degrade over time and there might be a need to replace it. It's just a PIA IMHO. And it could just be my design. Since my tank sits on a 2" thick piece of foam and therefore the bottom of my tank isn't flush with the bottom of the foam, I can't really get a wrench up there to loosen or tighten them. Now they really only need to be hand tight so putting them in wasn't that bad, it's loosening them that is really difficult.
Preparing for the stand and tank

Preparing for the stand and tank

The tank, stand, sump and sand will be delivered in a few hours. To help protect my hardwood floor from salt damage, I decided to lay down a water resistant barrier.

This is the same stuff used as under layer to floating engineered wood floors and the top side is water resistant. I don't think it would protect the floor 100% but it's better than nothing IMHO.

I will trim the ends flush with the stand once we place it.



Well here it is, got the tank positioned and installed on the stand. I assembled the overflow and returns. Got them inserted into the overflow. This aquarium has 5x holes cut - 2x 1" drains, 2x 3/4" returns and 1x emergency drain. The overflow kits that I purchased does have a spare 3/4" bulkhead that I plan to use for this drain.




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Cabinet space planning

Cabinet space planning

OK, so I unboxed the following items and placed them in the cabinet for space estimation:

  • PM Kalk Reactor
  • Reef Octopus Bio Pellet Reactor
  • GFO Fluidized Reactor
  • GAC Fluidized Reactor
  • 5g RO/DI reservoir

I still need to place my balling containers and that will be together with the RO/DI reservoir. All other equipment will be mounted above the sump and the doing pump will be on a shelf.




More stuff arrived today

More stuff arrived today

So, fedex and UPS are now making regular stops at my house. Got a few more items:


