Bio cubes in overflow chamber


New member
Anyone try this? In each of my overflow chambers it seems like there is just a lot of wasted dead space. Could i place bio cubes in both? Im talking about filling behind the black up to my durso drain?? Thoughts...

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Sure.. but it has some cons to it..
That area tends to collect quite a bit of detritus and some will siphon that out occasionally.. You would need to move/remove those cubes to access that properly..

Really not a big deal though.
I always put bio filtration after filter floss to prevent as much detritus as possible from building up in the bio media. Bio media is the section I try not to bother when doing maintenance.

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I did for many years. My advice would be put them in a mesh bag so they are easy to pull out if need be.

Makes life a lot easier IME.