Bird feeding video


New member
Nothing amazing, but I just got a GoPro a few months back and went down to Homer, Alaska, and happened to snap some video.

I edited it to show all the "action" scenes in slow motion, kind of fun.

The beginning is a little boring, maybe, unless you're a bird lover, but around the 1:25 mark when it switches to camp robbers, I like it more :) Bigger birds, more action.
Nice picture, I like the eagle. Saw plenty of those this weekend too.

I actually sold off my 5D mkII a year ago now. I just had stopped using it. I sold off my reef tank, then a year later my camera... so wasnt a lot of point of posting on RC. I read it for a while, then even that stopped.

This was my first time back in a long time :) Still looks the same, which is nice!

How are things with you? IIRC you were big into bug and bird shots?
This year hasn't been too good for shooting. I've been so busy with work even on the weekends, I really don't have much time. We've been picking subjects here once a week, and that's pretty much all I've had time for. I did get out over the forth, but that was it,

It's good to see you.
Hey Recty. Glad to know you're still breathing. The little one must not be so little any more.
Quite right :) She just turned 4 in May, so yeah... yikes, time flies.

I dont have my DSLR anymore, just my iPhone, so the pics are untouched and nothing amazing, but I like it :)

Here's my oldest... not too sure about standing by a halibut as big as she is. Sadly, that's a small halibut, the big ones are getting harder and harder to find nowadays. 20 years ago, we would have thrown one this size back, laughing at whoever caught it.


And here's my youngest, she is 2 1/2 or so. And yes, that's some sort of green moth in her right hand, she loves bugs.


Love the results. Does your camera have an action activated trigger?
No sir. I use a GoPro, and I then use my iPhone to start and stop it. I can sit inside and just hit record and stop recording, at whim, without scaring the birds away. This was my first attempt at bird videography, I learned some things and will do better next time, if there is a next time :)
Man how fast they grow!!!! Beautiful family you have there!!!
Thank you. I'd like to blame it all on my wife, but my kids look just like me. I had blonde hair all through my life until high school, then it turned brown. But the blonde hair and blue eyes is all me, my wife is brown eyes brown hair. The cute though, that they get from my wife :)

Yes, a beautiful family. I am going to have to check out that video camera.

Thanks. Definitely, the GoPro is an amazing little camera. The only thing I dont like is it has almost no manual controls. At least by default. I think you can do some things to it to hack it to have some manual controls, but from the manufacturer you basically pick your aspect ratio and your resolution and then the FPS you want and hit go. It broadcasts it's own little wireless network you can connect to from almost any wireless device like an iPhone or Android, and you can watch what it's recording and remote start/stop, plus change settings and review the video and what not.

I take it out four wheeling and mount it to my helmet, just to document the journey. In fact, if you go to my video I posted with the birds and look at my channel, you can see some examples of it. Otherwise, look up the YouTube channel Mezico, that's me.

One nice thing about the GoPro is it's very wide angle and can focus very close to the camera. Some of those birds the tail is actually moving back behind the camera for a brief moment and the entire thing is in focus until it moves out of frame. I'm not sure how close it can actually focus, but it's very close. Far out though, it doesnt do so great, it's definitely in it's prime between 3" and 20' away.