Birdsnest Coral Turing White


New member
Hi everyone!

I recently got a birdsnest coral from a LFS and was so excited to have such a neat coral! I have noticed that after a week or more of having the coral its begging to whiten and loose flesh on the branches. I placed the coral high up where the flow is the strongest knowing that they like a high flow. Unfortunately its still truing white. This may be due to the lighting quality. Sadly I realized after the fact that my lighting is not very... good so I'm upgrading them to the STEVE'S LEDs. It's on the way and it will be here in a few days. until then do you have any suggestions on what I can do to help this little frag out?

Tank info
16 gal Bio Cube LED (Stock lights)
One Powerhead
Age of tank - 5 months

Calcium - 400
KH - 9
Nitrate - 0
Phosphate - 0.25
PH - 8.1
Ammonia - 0
Nitrite - 0
Salinity - 1.024
Photos of tank and coral,

once an sps coral starts to lose flesh, 9 times out of ten it's a goner. usually the only hope is to frag it up quick …...but since you only have a frag, you don't have much to work with.
Tank/Owner isn't ready for SPS corals yet IMO..
You have an elevated phosphate level which you will want to address which should also help with that algae problem..
Part of that is just "new tank" stuff too..

While your lighting may not be the best its unlikely to be the cause of the corals tissue necrosis..
SPS corals require very stable parameters and proper control of nutrient levels..
That can be difficult to achieve in a new tank..

Just the change in alkalinity from the tank you purchased that from to your tank can be all it takes to kill a coral...