Just thought I'd update.
I am very, very pleased with this skimmer. It takes out some really funky stuff. I empty it about once every week, and I almost gag at the smell everytime. I don't think I'll have any problem with this skimmer keeping up with just about any bioload with this tank.
Speaking of bioload, I've added a yellow tang, a powder blue tang, a french angel, and about 75 to 100 lbs of live rock. My boss broke down his 300 gallon, and to reward me with my help he gave me some rock, all the sand, and the powder blue and french angel. Not to mention all the snails, hermits, and brittle stars.......there must be about 10 or so brittle stars! I put some in my fuge, along with a few snails and crabs.
I got the calcium reactor going, but it's been touch and go. The top took forever to get it to seal. Now, I'm trying to get it set just right, and I'm pushing the water out trying to drive it enough to react with the media.....and, it's still leaking at the top. I've bought a new cap (the 2nd I've bought), and I'm going to drill and tap the JG fittings instead of trying to pvc glue them in. I'm also going to try to make the ph probe fit in the reactor; I think this is part of my problem. Other than that, everything's working fine.
I added two of the maxijet mod kits; I bought two of everything from ReefGeek for $145 shipped. These things churn out some water! I like them so much I'm selling the two Seio 1100's and am going to buy two more of the mods to replace them. I'll never have an issue with not enough flow, I can tell ya that.
Here's a full tank shot as of yesterday; you can see the all the tangs and the angel in this shot.