Black Diamond Sand from Tractor Supply


Active member
Hey everyone,

Has anyone used this as a substrate for their reef tanks?

I used in my freshwater discus tank without any issues.

I "think" its silica based sand and not suitable for marine use as it would likely fuel diatom growth.. Its also sharp from my understanding and not the best for sand sifting creatures..

Aragonite/Calcium carbonate based is what we want..
okay, didn't know. Thanks! I'll go with the real stuff.

I "think" its silica based sand and not suitable for marine use as it would likely fuel diatom growth.. Its also sharp from my understanding and not the best for sand sifting creatures..

Aragonite/Calcium carbonate based is what we want..
Yup I would only get sand meant for reef tank set ups.....

I have always used CaribSea in all my reef tank set ups (6 in total) and have never had issues and looks great!
I use it in my sand blaster, works great! Really cleans the rust off old metal parts. But it has no place in a reef tank!
You should really go with an aragonite-based sand to help buffer your pH. Skip the cheap stuff and buy the real deal, it's not like you will have to replace it any time soon.