"Black & White Landscape" picture thread

Badwater Basin Sunrise - Death Valley National Park


Valle Grande - Valles Caldera National Preserve

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one from my archives. I'll be out of town taking a Certification exam for a week but I'll look forward to checking in at what's going on when I get back!

The Towers of Torres del Paine National Park

OH MY ...... that has been an area on my list of places to go for a l o n g time. Living in Alaska now it's lost some of it's allure since I'm surrounded by mtns and glaciers but alas your picture reminds me none of these places are the same.

Not sure if others would object or feel like it dilutes the thread but I'd love to hear more about your trip to the area.
Feel free. Once the winner is picked, that's what I hope will happen. Nothin like pickin someone's brain insted of their nose!!! :D
Thanks drauka, its a honor to be picked from all these amazing photos:).

OK the subject I've picked is 'roads'. The pictures need to have road somewhere in them.