Blackthunda77's 80Gal Shallow Reef Build

The build looks awesome far...I haven't had any problem with my deep blue so far..keep the updates comin

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I LOVE that scape. Are you going to add more rock? I hope I can show restraint when I scape my tank. I love the shallow tanks with a minimalist scape. I wouldn't add much more rock and let the corals fill in the rest. Definitely following this! Cant wait to see it all cleared up :D
yes, ill be adding a bit more rock, not much though, maybe 15lbs. I want to keep the rockwork low, to let the corals fill in, like you touched on rovster.

i just want to add a bit more interest on the other side of the tank, another small bommie. but im definitely going for the minimalist look.

tank was pretty clear last night so i transferred over all my corals. this morning the tank was about 95% clear i think so there ill definately be pics tonight when i get home.


Took some photos just now. Everything is starting to settle in, coral and fish looking good. Everything is still kind of sterile, white rock, white sand, etc. but that will soon change once the algae starts up. Im pretty sure ill be going through a mini cycle. I took my 55 gal sump with macro and live rock offline when i was switching over my tank so I'm sure my cycle with this new tank will be minimal. None the less I'm keeping nan eye on my ammonia, nitrates, phosphates, etc.

Side shot of the tank. Just added some 2 part calcium so the tank is a little murky from the calcium and alkalinity addition.

Some top down shots of the tank with all the pumps off. Gives you a better perspective of the layout of the rock work and the open layout i was going for.


Some scolys i picked up at the swap. $30 each. killer find.

Thats my derasa that was once owned by bandomo. Also a welso brain (correct me if I'm wrong please) also $30 from the swap.

And this is my BSJ. One of the reasons i was so anxious to get the sand and rock in the tank and the screen top completed.


This is also to serve as a lesson to you all. NEVER MISS A FRAG SWAP AGAIN. You WILL regret it! lol
OMG, I never wanted to do another large tank after my 90g tank due to the measurements, this tank has me rethinking that! Can't wait to see this tank come alive!
OMG, I never wanted to do another large tank after my 90g tank due to the measurements, this tank has me rethinking that! Can't wait to see this tank come alive!

Thanks, im really happy as well. Has a lot of real estate with this foor print. I just like the minimalist look with a lot of nice clean sand around the rocks. Its just that it looks alittle bare right now, a little sterile. But i know that will change in the course of a few weeks/months. Im hoping i can try to not mess with it too much till then, lol. I will be working on the second bomie soon. Im probably going to make something custom with acrylic rods, zip ties, epoxy and gorilla glue. I made a similar piece for my 10 gal rimless. Came out really nice.

Slow and steady from here on in for this tank. Everything came together pretty well so far. Knock on wood! No leaks, no casualties, etc.
Great going so far. Cant wait to see SPS frags in there.. :)

i do have some sps in there. on the frag rack. Some pieces i picked up from Eddie. An encrusting monti, meteor shower cyphastera, and 2 other pieces which the names are evading me right now.

Im ready for a piece of X Factor Eddie! No more bugs for me, everything is all spic and span now! :wave:
I like it! I have the same brain, it was sold as a welso to me but after some research, welso's just don't exist, so I think its a trachy. I'm no expert, and honestly could care less, because either way, they are pretty cool looking. Mine is getting huge in my nano, its growing over rocks and up the glass, LOL! Scape is looking good. Can't wait to see your bommie :D
Mini Update

Mini Update

Some updates on the tank thus far.

All the parameters have leveled out and are stable. None of the frags from the frag swap have died due to the brief mini cycle. Went through a small cycle which then led to a small diatom outbreak which dies out on its own in about a week, then came the hair algea which my clean up crew is just about finished with right now. the rocks are finally starting to color up with some green coraline which im sure the pink and reds will be soon to follow. Added a Cirrhilabrus solorensis as well as 2 firefish and a bar goby. everyone is doing fine and eating. a little aggression towards the solarensis from my leopard wrasse but surprisingly none from my mystery wrasse. However, thats all over now and everyone is swimming together just fine now.

Added some new carbon in my TLF reactor and some phosban in a mesh bag in the overflow, however, i might switch that around because i know phosban does better in a reactor and carbon does better in a media bag than phosphate media does.

added some more rock on the second bommie but im not too happy with it yet. im open to suggestions.

Here are some photos from tonight, ill try to get some more FTS shots tomorrow.




and some led moon light shots, its a strip of the under cabinet lighting from ikea.



Man its really coming along. I am also waiting for my mini cycle but not sure how long till I get it. From setting up to the mini cycle how many days passed?