My blue tang has started to act strange lately. She is darting around, flapping her dorsal fins rapidly and kind of attacking the glass. She will swim from one end to the other, turn up or back up into the corner and then dart to the other side. Sometimes she stops and twitches, similar to what my mating clowns do prior to laying a clutch. She is NOT scratching/flashing on rockwork, just in open water and at the glass.
There are no visible signs of common pathogens and she is still eating like a pig. Not sure if it is relevant, but is she may have eaten a bristol worm as I sometimes find them on my nori clip if it falls off the glass and sits in the sand for a day.
The other possibility is that she has suddenly decided that she wants a larger tank. I have a 120g tall (4ft long) and I got her as a baby about 2.5 years ago. She is probably 6 inches long now and I will be upgrading to a 240g DT in the spring. This behavior started suddenly though, and I would imagine that I would notice a gradual increase in aggression or stress. She is not really bothering her tank mates except the occassional scuffle over nori with my yellow tang, which is normal.
Tank info/params:
120 DT, 55g sump
Mixed lps/sps
Blue tang, yellow tang, pair bartlets anthias, pair occ. clowns, 4 chromis, lawnmower blenny, mandarin, cleaner wrasse.
Assorted snails/crabs, bubble tip nem, coral banded shrimp.
0 nitrate (carbon dosing)
0 nitrite
pH 8.1
Alk: 8-9 dkh
Cal:440 ppm
Has anyone seen behavior from a tang before?
There are no visible signs of common pathogens and she is still eating like a pig. Not sure if it is relevant, but is she may have eaten a bristol worm as I sometimes find them on my nori clip if it falls off the glass and sits in the sand for a day.
The other possibility is that she has suddenly decided that she wants a larger tank. I have a 120g tall (4ft long) and I got her as a baby about 2.5 years ago. She is probably 6 inches long now and I will be upgrading to a 240g DT in the spring. This behavior started suddenly though, and I would imagine that I would notice a gradual increase in aggression or stress. She is not really bothering her tank mates except the occassional scuffle over nori with my yellow tang, which is normal.
Tank info/params:
120 DT, 55g sump
Mixed lps/sps
Blue tang, yellow tang, pair bartlets anthias, pair occ. clowns, 4 chromis, lawnmower blenny, mandarin, cleaner wrasse.
Assorted snails/crabs, bubble tip nem, coral banded shrimp.
0 nitrate (carbon dosing)
0 nitrite
pH 8.1
Alk: 8-9 dkh
Cal:440 ppm
Has anyone seen behavior from a tang before?