blue ring

I was talking to an aquarium dealer here in Bribane about your planed blue ring, and was told about a local woman who was caught by one a few years ago, she was moving a rock in her sons tank that had fallen, and it was under the rock,she thought she had been stung by an anemone. The doctors at the hospital that were treating her had an inkling that this was a lot more than an alergy to an anemone, when the son arived at the hospital and was asked if their was anything other than an anemone in the tank he told them about the blu ring, apparentley she only had a very small puncture the size of a pin, but was in severe pain and was treated with morphene, any how she survived, so maybe you aint gonna die after all, I love happy endings don't you

We typically feed live shrimp and stomatopods to our blue-rings. Most do not take to frozen or dead prey to readily, although some will. Because we use fairly small sealed aquaria, I have to be really careful about uneaten prey. They are very sensitive to ammonia and nitrite, so I have to remove uneaten food and exoskeletons promptly. Obviously this means working around the animals .

It is interesting that some blue-ring bites are reported to be painful and others apparently are not. This could be a species phenonomon, be related to the location of the bite, the amount of venom entering the wound, or the reaction of the person's immune system. There are not a sufficient number of detailed reports to sort this out.

so basically all i am wondering is what do these things look like how much would one cost and how would one go about never accidently stepping on one at the local fish store (i live in bumsville iowa never gonna happen) basically i just want to see a pic of one cause i wanna know what it looks like if it can actaully kill me

I personally am a zoo farmer and i have to wear vets gloves when im in my tank to the their poison and what not dosent get to me the first time i touched one i couldnt move my right fingers for about 3 days they got that stiff anyway i digress a pic would be nice and flyboy i wish the best in finding this creature seems like anything on this planet that demands that kind of respect and care should be taken very seriously and it seems like your ready for that commitment:)
I think it is also worth mentioning that many of the imported specimens that i have seen have died within only a couple of days of import... they dont seem to travel well
It always raises eyebrows when someone wants to get a blue-ring. But should it, really?

Statistically, it's probably not much more dangerous than keeping, say, a loaded Uzi, a hair-trigger shotgun, or a kiddie-sized pistol around the house!

And on a side note, it might be reassuring to remember that natural selection is generally a very slow process, but that occasionally, under special circumstances, it can do rush orders, too. :rollface:
blue ringed octopus's aren't that hard to find if you really want one. About 7 years ago when I was still working at an aquarium shop I ordered one in not knowing what it was. I actually used to get it out of it's cage under water and play with it and hold it. A few days later someone "higher" up in the company found out I had ordered it in and immediately came and got it. I would like to eventually get one but I definitely wouldn't handle it knowing what I do now : )
Man your lucky!

I live in CA and saw one about 6 months ago at my LFS for only $30 I didn't believe my eye's! I did have a Cobra @ one time so I know where he is coming from. Be safe and don't get distracted!
All it takes is a little bit that you might/ might not feel from the beak. I would just be worried about stepping on it in the middle of the night! :)
Beautiful creature only i'd be afriad of it bitting me and I not know. Have you gotten a hold of one yet, if you do let us know on how its doing.
Blue Ring Octopus

Blue Ring Octopus

:mad2: I'm a diver, please leave these wonderfull creatures under the water for me to look at and photograph. Hasn't man already taken enough from the oceans!!!!!
If you want to take anything-TAKE PHOTOS
I've heard nitroglycerin patches can stop all spider venom in its tracks....are octopuses related somehow? If they are, maybe the nitro patches would work on the BRO's venom

Also, does anybody have a video of the BRO changing colors?