Blue throat Trigger

pisces 12

New member
I have a 265gl mixed reef tank ,have 6 tangs harlaquin tusk clowns, chromis friemadi,royal grammar cardinals, flame hawk blenney ,6line,leopard wrasses a lot of snails,crabs,3 tiger conch, 2 huge green brittle stars what am thinking of is adding a Blue throat Trigger has anyone have experience with this fish
very shy fish. wont bother any fish. possibly eat inverts but most likely wont. most people get the male because of its blue throat.
They or mine does have one caveat, mine likes to burrow under the sand to make a better sleeping spot, so if you have some real big good hiding spots your BTT will not stir up the sand.
I've had a female BT trigger for years & she hasn't bothered anything. Small anthias, chromis, bl hermits, fighting conch included. I got mine small, 3-4 inches, maybe that helped. Great fish, had a Male a while back, but didn't survive long, so my experience is limited with a Male, which I assume is the one you're looking at, as they are a little prettier.

And yes, they are shy in the beginning, may need to hide when feeding initially in qt.
I would definitely set up a QT tank for BTTs. It's not because of disease but because they are--as others have mentioned--very shy when first acquired and oftentimes starve to death because they can't compete with the other fish for food. The time in QT should be used to fatten up the fish and allow it to get used to you. Once acclimated, they're great fish and very personable.
I had a Male/Female pair for about 15 months.......then the female transitioned to a Male meaning I now have two Males! There is no aggression and they are perfect fish for the tank. Don't bother anything or anyone.
I had a Male/Female pair for about 15 months.......then the female transitioned to a Male meaning I now have two Males! There is no aggression and they are perfect fish for the tank. Don't bother anything or anyone.

My BTT is stuck between male and female -- it's got brown on its fins but a blue throat. I'm planning on getting a female and hoping it fully transitions to a male.
I had a male in a past 120g mixed reef. I had just about everything you could have in that tank aside from shrimp and he was my favorite fish. He was always active, never aggressive and didn't bother any of my corals. I'd have another if my new house had the wall space for a 120+ gal tank.