blue tubbs partially open?

a update:
I tried to remove the algae by tweezers, but it was too fine to nip it. the cotton swab(cosmetic stuff from wife's drawer) was used to clean the algae in between the zoa polys. It worked okay, not super cleaned but removed 75% of them. Following that, the colony was dipped in a 1:2 H2O2 and tank water solution for 3 minutes.

The colony is not opening up at this time, it has been in tank for 5 days.
Is the algae gone? If the algae was irritating the zoas and it's gone now, it should be fine.

Try to leave the colony alone. It will eventually open.

Make sure it gets a medium water flow that gently moves the zoas' heads.

the algae is not 100% gone, that makes think if i need dip them again. but i will wait for it fully recovered first. the algae is too fine to be removed. i will try to snap a picture today.
Oh, so bad like that?!?!
Some people just put the pure peroxide on the frag already, but I think it could hurt more than help in your case. It's hard to give an advice in such case.
I don't know...
And on the top of all that they are blue zoas!
The question is: how would they look like fully recovered from the dip if they won't open because of the algae??

It is not very bad, that is why I missed the algae before. but that algae is freaking hard to remove. Here are some pictures taken tonight. the solution i mixed was pretty mild only 25% H2O2. If i don't see algae fading out, maybe i will increase the concentration to 50%.
fully recovered means they partially open back up like before. few poly started to open up from today.

Yes, they look a little better!
I'm glad the problem was only the algae!
I think 2 parts of tank water to 1 part H2O2 would do it, as I've posted before.
If you want to do a 50% I would leave in only for a minute or so...
So good to know they're opening!
Thanks for the pictures.
Good luck!

cotton swabbing definitely helped a lot, remove more than 50% of algae. in doubt if H2O2 removed any. the 1:3 solution, probably not strong enough.
When I start having problems with zoas closing and having brown stalks etc I usually find Alk is low. IME Tubbs seem to really react adversely when you get below 8dkh. I try to stay around 9dkh and rarely have issues. Hope it helps, just another option.

For sponge I just pull out the colony and spray the sponge with canned air. Sponges hate air... and it usually kills them.

Tom, that could be a reason too!, i was struggling with 2 parts dosing for a while. other zoas were fine, just blue tubbs had this issue.

I thought sponge is bullet proof. I could not remove them completely and I can see they are growing again. i will try canned air next time.