blueberry digitata


Premium Member
Anyone have experience with this? My orange, green and purple are growing like weed, but this one seems to not be growing at all. Where do you guys get the best growth in regards to placement for flow and lighting?
My blue digi is growing at less than half the rate of my green, orange or purple. I might try to move it to more light as it hasn't even encrusted yet. So, my experience/opinion is slow grower.
how long have you had it?

was it an aquacultured colonys, a maricultured colony or a wild colony?

sometimes digi's will slow down if they dont like something like light, flow, water quality, most wild digis slow down for a couple of months due to shipping stress...

its just the corals way of saying, this is my chill pill and Im taking it!
Sounds good, I just noticed all the other digis are growing at a pretty noticeable rate except this one hasn't seemed to grow at all. I'll just wait it out a little longer before moving it.