In Memoriam
Karpata, Oil Slick Leap, The Hilma Hooker, Buddy's Reef, and Alice in Wonderland are some of my favorites. Here are a few pictures from my last trip in June. I also have not ever had any problems with crime in Bonaire. They tell you up front to not leave valuables in plain site and to not lock or roll up the windows on the rental vehicle, however I have been going at least once a year and sometimes two times for several years now and have never had any problems at all.
<font color="sienna">WreckDiver </font> </b>
<i><font size="1"><font color="teal">aka: CyBrSuFr</font> </font> </i>
<font color="sienna">WreckDiver </font> </b>
<i><font size="1"><font color="teal">aka: CyBrSuFr</font> </font> </i>