Book Reccomendations


New member
I have successfully kept a 29g. Marine tank (fish & inverts.) for a couple of years now. My husbands' friend is selling us his 90g. (with all the other equiptment). I would like to turn this into a full reef tank. However, before I do this I would like to research many things (I've been reading on Marine tanks for three years now, and coming to forums, and I know quite a few things, but for every one thing I know about reefing, there's about 10 more things I DON'T KNOW!!

So, I need to do a lot of reading. I would like to choose books that talk about corals (coral selection, care, etc.), lighting and other equiptment.

I know very little about lighting. I've read a few things on it, but still am very uncertain as to what type of lighting I should pick.

I am willing to read as many books as I need to before I set the tank up. I want to do this right.

Please, do any of you have any book reccomendations? I would like to read books on equiptment (lighting especially), all-around reef books, etc. It would be helpful if someone could reccomend a book on lighting one doesn't have to be an electrician to understand.

Any replys will be greatly appreciated. Thanks everyone:D is going to be one of the best sources you could possibly have at your fingertips!

On the book side, the new Reef Aquarium Vol. 3 by Julian Sprung and Charles Delbeek is to date the best book I have read! It is full of very up to date information on just about anything you are going to want to know in terms of a new setup, etc.