

Premium Member
I got some of this in at work. Well atleast, I think it might be it.

We didn't get an ID, but from "the salt corner", it looks to be close.

Anyone have experiences? Any help with red macro? Does it require more light or any specific elements? I have Halimeda in the tank right now and it is doing fine with no elements of any sort.

I am not real real sure. It looks very similar. Has the color of the pseudo, but the structure of the sp. is more like the one we have. On the pseudo, it has like a thin base strand with the "bulbs" comming off. On the sp., which is like ours, it is just kind of "bulbs" linked together with no base strand.
I have what I am fairly certain is B. pseudo. From what I can tell its growth form is short maybe a few inches with the red bulbs. I am keeping it in a 35 gal refuge connected to a larger system. It's under an LOA 65 watt outdoor fixture, and I've been dosing iron and KNO3, so far my nitrate is at 4 ppm which is where I'll likely keep it. The botryocladia is growing very well. From what I've read the reds prefer lower lighting.

Edit: I think the one shown as B. sp. is more common.
Well I just don't have the 25$ for it.

I am going to an LFS today to get some Codium Fragile.

Anyone try this?