Bought new led light fixture from China.

Thanks Gillguy, I'll wait to see if rickyb or sammL has feedback on their config. But your suggestion of 2 x S400s makes sense. More research to be done...

Sorry I missed this.
I would definitely go with 2 S400's, they look sleek and less cables connecting each other. I got 60 degree lenses on mine, but in my next one, I'm going to order 90 degree lenses on the side for both units. This will allow me to switch and see which is better for me.
One unit is absolutely not enough to cover a tank 36" front to back.
So, I was bored and opened up the power supply. The dimensions are 60mm x 15mm. And I believe, you MIGHT be able to use a 60x20 if the fan has recessed hole for the nuts (so they are not adding width to the bottom of the fan.) Here's a photo of the fan in the LED Zeal power supply and a link to the manufacturer website for the specs.

The only difficult part will be having to DIY the wiring. hard to tell from the pic below but the fan doesn't use a standard plug. you'll need to crimp one end to the thermostat and the negative can just be pinched with the set screw.

I found this fan as a possible replacement, however reviews are mixed regarding noise. Maybe someone else can find a better replacement.

I have mine running on the floor and the fan was turning on every few seconds. I use an old computer fan powered by an old phone charger. I put the fan on top of the power supply and the power supply fan hardly comes on. I guess could be an alternative of your powers supply is out of sight.
I found another option. Will need to check if it would work.

That looks pretty good. I'm going to go with the ones from Woodcraft. Mostly because of the colored extrusion.... And they have a bit more room in the channel in case I can't find any stainless U Nuts, and have to use a U Bolt with a nut in the channel. Fortunately my local Ace hardware has a decent supply of SS hardware.
HI all Im julie from australia, I have been reading this thread in my interest to find a new light for our tank. I have emailed kevin and the price is great so now to work on the set out, Gillguy would you mind helping me as im doing this as a surprise for hubby (he works away) we have a 3ft x 2ft x 2ft tank and ledzeal suggested the s200 with 120 deg optics. I was going to go for your led setup but had showed that to hubby a while ago and he said it seems too much blue. He and I are both amatuers with lights so what would your suggestion be please? We just have fish and LPS not into SPS but it may happen in the future
HI all Im julie from australia, I have been reading this thread in my interest to find a new light for our tank. I have emailed kevin and the price is great so now to work on the set out, Gillguy would you mind helping me as im doing this as a surprise for hubby (he works away) we have a 3ft x 2ft x 2ft tank and ledzeal suggested the s200 with 120 deg optics. I was going to go for your led setup but had showed that to hubby a while ago and he said it seems too much blue. He and I are both amatuers with lights so what would your suggestion be please? We just have fish and LPS not into SPS but it may happen in the future

Hi Julie, welcome! If your light is not going inside a canopy, then the S200 with 120 optics will work. If in the future you want to keep SPS then you should go with 90 optics but you might have to raise the light above 12 inches. If you are going to use the brackets instead of hanging then you definitely need to go with 120. I like my layout and it is not too blue. Many that have never had leds look at the layout and think that but believe me, it will be plenty white for your Bloke.
Thanks Gillguy it is going in the hood of this tank but when we eventually get another tank there wont be a hood, at the moment the light would sit about 4 to 6 inches above the water. i will be using brackets. Ill go with your led layout then but what do you think for optics thinking of the future and maybe not having the hood.
Thanks Gillguy it is going in the hood of this tank but when we eventually get another tank there wont be a hood, at the moment the light would sit about 4 to 6 inches above the water. i will be using brackets. Ill go with your led layout then but what do you think for optics thinking of the future and maybe not having the hood.

Julie, I don't know what your hood looks like. If the light goes inside the hood it might not work for you because it's too tight of a fit. Some people that have bought a light the same size as their tank and placed it inside a hood had to cut openings on the sides of the hood to allow the heat exhaust to escape. Since you will be using the brackets at approximately 5 inches I recommend modifying the hood and using 120 optics.


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Sorry to be a pest but would a 2 foot work on the 3ft tank or would there be too much area without light? that way if i upgraded to a 4 or 5 ft i could buy another and have 2. It is a wooden hood so doesnt sound like it will go very well.
Sorry to be a pest but would a 2 foot work on the 3ft tank or would there be too much area without light? that way if i upgraded to a 4 or 5 ft i could buy another and have 2. It is a wooden hood so doesnt sound like it will go very well.

A 2 ft would work but you will need to raise the unit at least 12 inches and you stated you will use the brackets. The S200 is best. Just cut out two openings on the side of the hood or just remove the hood. If you decide to go with the S150 (2 Ft) with the brackets then your only option is to use 120 degree for the most coverage.
thanks so much gillguy you are a great help, just about to order it now :) cant wait. its 1/3 cheaper to get from there than at a shop here in australia
Julie, you could always do what I did and order some 90 optics as well. They are not that expensive and Kevin will supply them as an extra with your order. That way you can play with height and fittings. I am in the same position as you with a 3ft and 200. I intend to have the hood part open and the light mounted on brackets
Here's a little timeline chart i did for my light settings just to help visualize where each channel is at throughout the day. I plan to adjust ch3 up from 30% at 10pm where it dips below ch 1 about 35% or 40%. All critiques are welcome.

is this an excel file, can you share it?
thanks so much gillguy you are a great help, just about to order it now :) cant wait. its 1/3 cheaper to get from there than at a shop here in australia

Just remembered, you could also remove the lid like Conix did and mount the unit on top of the hood. This will give more height and more options on optics. Just another thought.