This question has come up a lot in the thread. If it's going inside a canopy or not. If it is you should use the S200 with 90 or 120 lenses. If not then get the S300 and use 60 lenses which gives you deeper penetration.
Wouldn't the S400 be better for a 4' tank? Also what vender did you use to buy it?
Wouldn't the S400 be better for a 4' tank? Also what vender did you use to buy it?
If the 4' S300 is 4' with 3 clusters, wouldn't one of them be right above the crossbrace?
That's a bit counter productive.
If the 4' S300 is 4' with 3 clusters, wouldn't one of them be right above the crossbrace?
That's a bit counter productive.
This question has come up a lot in the thread. If it's going inside a canopy or not. If it is you should use the S200 with 90 or 120 lenses. If not then get the S300 and use 60 lenses which gives you deeper penetration.
Wait why do you recommend using 60 degree without a canopy? Is that assuming that the fixture will be hung higher without a canopy?
Sorry to bother ya gillguy but after reading about the lenses my tank is 60.5"x18.5"x25" and went with 90 degree lenses on all blues and uv and 120 degree on all the whites to try to distribute the white light more evenly the fixture will be hanging about 8" off the water do you think the 120 degree lenses will be adequate for my tank size or should I order some 90's any info is appreciated thanks fellas
Hi Gillguy,
Greetings from across the pond!
I wonder if you're able to give me a little advice please? I am just starting out in the marine world after keeping freshwater trops for a number of years. I've been reading this post with interest and I think I'm definitely set on getting one of these units from Kevin.
The tank I've ordered over here in the UK is about 57(W) x 16 (D) x 22 (H). The problem is, the distance from the waterline to the underside of the canopy is only 5.5 inches. I only have the option of mounting the lights under the canopy as it is solid oak and we don't want to cut into it as it is going to make a great piece of furniture too.
Would you recommend going for 120 optics all round? Also, what would you recommend with regard to colors? Would the lack of height have any effect on the color choice?
I finally got 2 days in a row off, and started to install my 2 - S200's. One minor problem that I completely missed when laying out my plan. The data connectors being on the side don't allow enough room for the 2 fixtures to line up on a 72" tank. My plan to use T Track and proper stainless steel rigging hardware worked out very well. I've just got to decided how to deal with the connector issue. Plan B is to cut out a 2.5" x 8.5" notch in one side of the canopy, which should work. And won't look bad as the right side of the tank is in the corner of the room (wife's concern). Or move the data connectors to the top of the fixture. Either way I'll need to add two more fans to the canopy to help with cooling. Unless I talk the wife into removing the canopy and building a support tower out of aluminum, then the problems completely solved...
Or I could sell both S200's and buy a S400 and use 120* lenses on the outside LED clusters. But then I get to deal with the center brace in the tank....
But, on the bright side, I took off the canopy and set up both fixtures on legs, staggered front to rear so they would fit. And I've got to say this is one heck of a light fixture! A friend who has another brand came by and is regretting his purchase. The ease of use, control, look, and especially performance is unheard of in a fixture in this price range.
Decisions ... :hmm3:
anyways does anyone elses power supply fan run the whole time non stop even when the light dims down to zero my supplys fan dont stop unless you power it off flipping the switch
Not had chance to get mine running on the tank yet but have tested it. Can't say that I remember my psu fan working all the time
There was another guy on here who asked the same thing and we found that moving the psu to a cooler place worked wonders. Somebody else has also placed another cooling fan on top.