Seeing as Sharkman requested and I can see he is going to talk me into a tank thread at some point soon
Mounted mine using the bracket. I bought the tank with a hood but having found these lights I decided that I would remove that and go topless instead. The light itself would fit into the hood although it would have been very low down near the water line and also would have required some cutting out of the side to vent the exhaust, run cable etc
So far I have been very pleased with both the service from the company and the light. Every message sent to Kevin was responded to very quickly and I then found that I had a problem with one of my panels. There were a number of LEDs that were not functioning correctly and were very dim. Quick mail to Kevin and a new panel was made and sent and installed in just over a week. All free of charge and no hassle at all. This means that I have spare LEDs (those that work) and spare 120 lenses
The LEDs can be replaced although by all accounts not the same as DIY and they have 2 legs which need to be soldered along with thermal paste to attach them
The light itself is well made and the panels are easy enough to replace if needed. The fans on the actual light only spin up when the higher intensity levels are hit. They quickly cool the unit and spin down. Same said for the power supply on the smaller units. I believe that the larger units may run their fan constantly. Not an issue if you home the psu in a cabinet
controller is very easy to setup as well and once you get the right config then the ramp up and down is very subtle
So on with the pics
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6 Royal, 4 Blue and 2 UV running at 18% - Good morning fish
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Pics taken with iphone so the white balance is way, way off and the tank is showing the sun from the left hand side. Need to get some red filters for the iphone
Would I recommend these? Hell yes
Do they make my tank look good? I think so and having used the light schedule from Fuzzy I sat there last night with a big grin as the tank glowed later on in the evening
Running them with 120 lenses and trying to decide if 90's would be a better choice. I have a set of 90's that I can use