Brain won't eat also ? about Torch's


New member
I got some raw shrimp and I covered the brain with the top of a 2 liter bottle.I turned the pumps off and stuck some small peices of shrimp in the 2 liter.Its been about 45min and the food is just sitting on it and no sweepers are extending.This was about an hour after lights out and since I bought it around Thanksgiving I've never seen its sweepers out.

Also In order to feed a torch does its feeders need to be extended?I also dropped a peice of shrimp on it and the shrimp is barely visible now.
I feed my Brain when its sweepers are out for food. it stopped eating for almost 2 years 'till this morning it takes food again. it's huge 10" in diameter 6" tall. I saw my torch grabbed some food once in awhile (really rare) when i fed the whole tank but i don't feed it on purpose and it's growing pretty fast and healthy. from 2 heads it now grew 17 more in 2 and 1/2 years
The food is still sitting on the brain and its not extending its tenticles.I read that just leave the food on him for a bit and it will sense its there and extend its sweepers but no luck.

As for the Torch,It looked like it ingested the shrimp and I could see what looks like its mouth.So I guess I can feed it without its sweepers out.:)