Hello! I will introduce myself here, then ask questions.
My name is Tyler. I'm 19 years old, live in St. Petersburg, FL, and own a small self storage business.
I am 99% new to keeping fish. My dad had a 55g tank when I was like 3, so I remember little to none. I had a beta when I was 10 or 11. Lasted about 3 months, I cleaned the tank with soap after putting the fish in a little bucket. Rinsed the tank, put the fish back in, ended up dead the next day or two. I'm a bit more intelligent nowadays, however. I have taken a few biology classes, along with a lot of other science, so I know how most of the science works and the basics of it all.
I'm jumping straight into putting together a 55g reef tank. I don't know if this is considered reckless or absolutely fine.
I went to my LFS and purchased items from a list I made after about 3 hours of info gathering on the web. I don't have exact models, as I'm not at home.
-55g tank (this was actually free, got it from some guy who got it from a guy after I asked him if he knew anyone with a tank I could buy)
-Regular lights that came with the kit tank
-2 75-100g rated powerheads
-~20g? TSUNAMi Sump (with a sock, I know bioballs are horrible things)
-500gph general purpose return pump
-overflow box, siphon method.
-in-sump hangon skimmer (lady at LFS said it was the one she uses)[I'm afraid it isn't working, as I don't know how it should look when it is working. Nothing reaches the collection cup at the top. The water gets sucked in to maybe 2 inches above water level. Maybe someone can help clarify how it works?
-heater set at ~78, inside the sump
-Premade saltwater from LFS. salinity is about 1.022, I believe it should be 1.026 for reef?
-50 pounds of live rock
-60 pounds of live sand
-20 pounds of dry rock
I poured in enough of that bacteria-in-a-bottle stuff to treat 70 gallons.
Let the tank run for 24 hours
I also bought 2 blue damsels. Put the bag in the tank for 45 minutes and then let them in. (This is mostly for my own experience and testing purposes, just to see what happens.)
I have:
-1 cheap floaty hydrometer
-a "master" test kit, nitrite (0), nitrate(0), ammonia(0), pH(8.0).
The specific questions are:
-How can I measure how my tank is doing in relation to health and cycling until I put fish in?
-What are telltale signs that the tank is done with the initial cycle and it is safe to begin bioloading? (What types of imbalance should I see before the tank stabilizes? How soon should I start to notice imbalances?)
-What order should I load the tank? Inverts first? Does it matter?
-How should I choose my invertebrates (i assume this includes corals, anemones, etc.)
-How should I choose my fish?
-What more will I need to do in the future (during both cycling and after I've loaded the tank up) other than clean the hardware
Any tips for a 100% beginner would be appreciated
Any advanced tips would also be excellent.
I intend to start a log tonight after I get home.
My name is Tyler. I'm 19 years old, live in St. Petersburg, FL, and own a small self storage business.
I am 99% new to keeping fish. My dad had a 55g tank when I was like 3, so I remember little to none. I had a beta when I was 10 or 11. Lasted about 3 months, I cleaned the tank with soap after putting the fish in a little bucket. Rinsed the tank, put the fish back in, ended up dead the next day or two. I'm a bit more intelligent nowadays, however. I have taken a few biology classes, along with a lot of other science, so I know how most of the science works and the basics of it all.
I'm jumping straight into putting together a 55g reef tank. I don't know if this is considered reckless or absolutely fine.
I went to my LFS and purchased items from a list I made after about 3 hours of info gathering on the web. I don't have exact models, as I'm not at home.
-55g tank (this was actually free, got it from some guy who got it from a guy after I asked him if he knew anyone with a tank I could buy)
-Regular lights that came with the kit tank
-2 75-100g rated powerheads
-~20g? TSUNAMi Sump (with a sock, I know bioballs are horrible things)
-500gph general purpose return pump
-overflow box, siphon method.
-in-sump hangon skimmer (lady at LFS said it was the one she uses)[I'm afraid it isn't working, as I don't know how it should look when it is working. Nothing reaches the collection cup at the top. The water gets sucked in to maybe 2 inches above water level. Maybe someone can help clarify how it works?
-heater set at ~78, inside the sump
-Premade saltwater from LFS. salinity is about 1.022, I believe it should be 1.026 for reef?
-50 pounds of live rock
-60 pounds of live sand
-20 pounds of dry rock
I poured in enough of that bacteria-in-a-bottle stuff to treat 70 gallons.
Let the tank run for 24 hours
I also bought 2 blue damsels. Put the bag in the tank for 45 minutes and then let them in. (This is mostly for my own experience and testing purposes, just to see what happens.)
I have:
-1 cheap floaty hydrometer
-a "master" test kit, nitrite (0), nitrate(0), ammonia(0), pH(8.0).
The specific questions are:
-How can I measure how my tank is doing in relation to health and cycling until I put fish in?
-What are telltale signs that the tank is done with the initial cycle and it is safe to begin bioloading? (What types of imbalance should I see before the tank stabilizes? How soon should I start to notice imbalances?)
-What order should I load the tank? Inverts first? Does it matter?
-How should I choose my invertebrates (i assume this includes corals, anemones, etc.)
-How should I choose my fish?
-What more will I need to do in the future (during both cycling and after I've loaded the tank up) other than clean the hardware
Any tips for a 100% beginner would be appreciated
Any advanced tips would also be excellent.
I intend to start a log tonight after I get home.