Breaking it down


New member
Equipment Part Out Pricing.
Keep in mind livestock must be sold first, might have someone interested in all livestock though.

TEXT WORKS BEST my Pms fill up fast, pm second best. Matt 561 three five zero 8211
located in orlando FL 32817 off 417 and university near UCF
will ship anything for actual shipping costs. I frequently travel to South Fl as well

Tank and Furniture Quality Stand................................................................$650
-Rimless Deep Blue 75 RR tank
-Custom Stand (built by Aquaria Stuidos before they turned Living Reef) super nice with crown molding

-Aquaticlife 6 bulb t5 48" fixutre with LED and ATI bulbs.....................$295
(three months use on the current bulbs)

-(2) Ecotech Mp40wES.................................................................. $330 each

-48" ecoxotic royal LED blue stunner strip............................... $70

-Super Reef Octopus 1000 SSS super space saver skimmer.................................... $300

-Mag 7 return pump (2 months old)...................................................... $45

-Lg Aquaticlifesystems Berlin 200 acrylic sump.............................................$150

-Large Battery Backup................................................................................$99
cyberpower LX1325G 8 outlet battery backup with digital displays
i have no problems doing it for those that would like me to

Thanks, I believe Marvin, myself, and Ninjamini have orders coming in with your group buy from ORCA. I guess we will have to wait to see when the pumps actually show up. I will speak with marvin and ninja to see if they are ok with having you bring them down or if they want them shipped.
Thanks, I believe Marvin, myself, and Ninjamini have orders coming in with your group buy from ORCA. I guess we will have to wait to see when the pumps actually show up. I will speak with marvin and ninja to see if they are ok with having you bring them down or if they want them shipped.

This works for me.

Free bump! :)
UPDATE! whats left!

UPDATE! whats left!

Tank and Furniture Quality Stand................................................................$600
-Rimless Deep Blue 75 RR tank
-Custom Stand (built by Aquaria Stuidos before they turned Living Reef) super nice with crown molding

-Lg Aquaticlifesystems Berlin 200 acrylic sump.............................................$140

-Mag 7 return pump (2 months old).................................................. $45 +shipping FIRM

-Large Battery Backup................................................................................$89
cyberpower LX1325G 8 outlet battery backup with digital displays

-Super Reef Octopus 1000 SSS super space saver skimmer.................................... $290
Last edited:
Tank and Furniture Quality Stand................................................................$550
-Rimless Deep Blue 75 RR tank
-Custom Stand (built by Aquaria Stuidos before they turned Living Reef) super nice with crown molding

-Lg Aquaticlifesystems Berlin 200 acrylic sump.............................................$125

-Mag 7 return pump (2 months old).................................................. $45 +shipping FIRM

-Large Battery Backup................................................................................$89
cyberpower LX1325G 8 outlet battery backup with digital displays

-Super Reef Octopus 1000 SSS super space saver skimmer.................................... $280

Tank, Stand, Sump, pump......... $675