Breaking News for the Borque fish scene


Michael wagner
Breaking News for the Borque fish scene

Coral Island in their pursuit of World Domination has acquired one of the premier salt water reef and fish specialist in the greater Metropolitan area and perhaps the Southwest. Of course excluding those marine biology geeks in San Diego. They are also conducting negotiations for another employee with a strong background in aquatics. I believe this is going to be great for the hobbyists throughout New Mexico. Three new high-end stores vying for our precious business. I have personally spoken with this new employee and quite frankly I am pretty excited to find out what he has planned for the largest store in New Mexico; introducing new technology, different equipment, a diverse fish and coral selection, and as well as an infinite knowledge base is what we have to look forword too. Which will finally put our dry landlocked state on the map. Anyway some cool changes for all you reef geeks to look forward to. Beep, Beep, Beep, Beep…..Damn that Neptune, Temperature just dropped half a degree. See all of the guys at the new fish stores. Happy shopping!
Ahhahahahaaaaa! I heard about this WOW COOL! Well i think it will be good for Coral Island and hopefully will get them back on their feet! I think it will also help them rebuild from a negative reputation that the other (Shark Dude) left!!! Aw sh*t maybe i shouldn't have said that! LOL I just hope they will be carrying alot more of the latest technology that's out there and not the same o'l stuff, but if not i can always count on Southwest Reef Company for that! I'm excited myself and can't wait to see the out come of it all.
Went by both stores today have to say I'm excited to see how things are shaping up got to admit that coral island's size is freaking awesome but size doesn't matter if u know what I mean? It all depends how they use what they have like crazy4acros said it would be nice to see some new technology that is out there hopefully to be used, because in the past I've had to rely on RC to find out the latest and greatest. So hopefully we can see the beginning of some good old fashion competition hehehe.
Hi. what is the third stores name? please dont say clar_s.i just know of the two...coral island and now southwest.
Actually i think it is called Emperors Ocean up on Jaun Tabo and Menaul. it is run by a guy by the name Jason. Pretty cool guy. Helped a buddy of mine out and also gave another one of my buddies a good deal. Also live rock pond is pretty cool. It has like two or three different levels and i think he was talking about putting some mangroves in there to. Anyway Late