Breathtaking dive in Papua new Guinea, Raja Ampat

Looks like the embedded video didn't work right, but found the video via the key. Beautiful dive site!
vBulletin should just use [VIDEO]url[/VIDEO] flags. Original post is using [MEDIA]. I think, anyway.
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Thank for sharing that&#55357;&#56397;&#55356;&#57339;
I first visited about 36 years ago and the reefs where literally teeming with life. That was back when it was a part of Irian Jaya and completely inaccessible apart from by sea plane or perilous 4x4 / boat journey . It’s actually in Indonesia not Papua New Guinea. Just been flicking through old photos
My old man battled in the Solomon Islands. Not only would I love to see where he spent those hellish years, but it would be a cool dive as well! For now it's Hawaii and the Caribbean.
Thanks for posting.

Now I gotta go there. Do ya think the wife will miss me???

Absolutely not
She will have all the great footage of the reef
And she will have to take care of your tank so thats a plus we pay to do these things and she gets it all free
Thanks for posting.

Now I gotta go there. Do ya think the wife will miss me???

Absolutely not
She will have all the great footage of the reef
And she will have to take care of your tank so thats a plus we pay to do these things and she gets it all free

Would you mind too much explaining that to her????:D

Methinks she's probably not gonna see it quite that way:eek1: