Breeding PJ cardinals ?


In Memoriam

I'm looking for someone in the area that has <b>hands on experience</b> on breeding PJ cardinals.

My male is carrying eggs at the time and would like to put him in the sump by himself until the fry are released. I'm looking to maximize the possibilities of rasing them from the the larval stage in which they are released.

These are different from Bangaii cardinalfish in the sense that the fry is released almost right away after they hatch. Bangaii usually hold the fry for approximate 7 days after hatching hence a higher chance of survival since they are released a little bigger and can eat bigger foods.

There's very little information about PJ's since they're harder to breed.

Thanks in advance,

I would try and use the smallest brine shrimp I could get. The eggs come in different sizes. You can feed as soon as the eggs hatch.

I do not know anybody local that is breeding them though.
Do you know where to get the eggs locally?

I was looking at Florida Aqua Farms (great selection) but, rather get them locally if I can.
