I'm sure we could work something out. Shipping would be killer.
Lets just hope they pair up

I'm sure we could work something out. Shipping would be killer.
Very nice. Good luck with the pairing!
Awesome pick up Brian, I'm sure they'll be :love2:
Yowzas, she's hot! :eek1:
Awesome pick up Brian, I'm sure they'll be :love2:
nice looking fish, great find!
Maybe they are more into this Austin
<img src="http://www.reefcentral.com/images/chimp_shaking_head.gif"/>
Not the monkey :lol:
You knew that was coming. It was that or David Hasselhoff :lolspin:.
You bust out the David, I will rate your thread 1 star :hammer:
Very nice fishy Brian. What is that you have rubberbanded to the rock?
Very nice Brian!
I will have to stop by and check it out! Best of luck with the pairing, we should learn some when I pair my scribbleds soon.