Lots of room for corals still :mixed:.
Nice shot Brian :thumbsup: How is operation "camera persuasion" coming along?
Lots of room for corals still :mixed:.
Nice! You do have lots more room for sticks!!! You need to request some stryo's soon!
Nice shot Brian :thumbsup: How is operation "camera persuasion" coming along?
Thanks Mark, I hope by the end of the summer. As stated up top, someone furniture shopping is crapping my style a little. Although she has given me the green light when she finished.
Thanks Sara! My wife's furniture spending spree is holding me back a bit :furious:. But I guess it's better than sitting in lawn chairs, at least that what she's tells me :rolleye1:.
If thats the only hold up, load up the kids and get that taken care of this weekend :lol:
You don't know my wife. I should say furniture and decoration. Remember we just move and have a whole house to redecorate.
Then your wife better not ever meet my wife because I'm sure Amanda could show her how to furnish and decorate a complete house in just hours. For her, it would take a day of planning on the internet, a day of going and purchasing and a day for delivery. All done; now its time for Brian's camera to take pictures of all the new furniture :lol:
Brian your pictures look like they are getter better, nice.
I need to get me a trio of those!!! Great looking fish:thumbsup:
Nice shot
Looks like your bubble algae farm is still going strongAny luck getting a rabbitfish yet? I have not seen mine eat any yet and it has grown since I got him. I'll probably pull him out soon as all he eats are the nori and everything else that I throw in the tank.
So the naso or the convicts will eat bubble algae. I don't mind trying one and just pull them when done.