Thanks for the info, but I am very lucky that my move is only 15 miles away. As for the corals that are encrusting I have come to the conclusion that it would probably be better for me just to chip them off the rock. I am sure everything will not survive but I am going to give it my best shot. Last move I did was about 2 or so years ago and I lost some of my prized fish. Going to try avoiding that at all cost. I have containers and heaters ready to go. I have purchased specimen cups and heat packs also. Anything that will not fit in the cups will be chopped down and someone will get a very special frag pack.....
I sure you will have no problems with your move. For me it was a bit different, for one I really didn't want or have to time to setup my old 90 gal. Along with moving over 100+ colonies. If you have the time to setup your old tank you should be just fine.