Brian's 270 Starphire

Nice pics Brian and really nice new Naso!~ Hope it does well for you, I love Naso's and am planning on another Blonde in the next little while.

Mine did very well at eating bubble algae initially but decided it liked the food I was feeding better, lol!~

Thanks Dave, if he decides to stop eatting BA than he'll be looking for a new home :D.
What is valonia? If it is bad I wonder how i missed having it!:fish1:

Nice to see you stopping by Tony. Did you every order a new tank? There's a little bubble algae in there just have to look harder :D.

Nice portly Naso! Hope she works as planned for the bubble algae!

Thanks Sara, I hope she works out too. I look like my BL might be joining her in QT. Seems like his case of ich is back :sad1:.
Nice to see you stopping by Tony. Did you every order a new tank? There's a little bubble algae in there just have to look harder :D.

Thanks Sara, I hope she works out too. I look like my BL might be joining her in QT. Seems like his case of ich is back :sad1:.

No new tank yet! I have however removed 90% of sand and 60% of rock, added a second VorTech in main tank. Additionally most of rock is on pvc stand, looks odd now. I am attempting to hide it with rock and corals. On bottom side I have corals that need little or no light and like high flow.

I am starting to see some good color and growth on Acros. Next on list is replacement bulbs and maybe PAR meter.
No new tank yet! I have however removed 90% of sand and 60% of rock, added a second VorTech in main tank. Additionally most of rock is on pvc stand, looks odd now. I am attempting to hide it with rock and corals. On bottom side I have corals that need little or no light and like high flow.

I am starting to see some good color and growth on Acros. Next on list is replacement bulbs and maybe PAR meter.

That's great! I'm sure that the PVC will be hidden once the corals grow out a bit ;).
Brian, Thanks for the quick lesson last night. Lets just say that Lamotte kit confirmed my second elos kit.

Your colors all look so good. Do you have any brown corals or have they all colored up for you?
Brian, Thanks for the quick lesson last night. Lets just say that Lamotte kit confirmed my second elos kit.

Your colors all look so good. Do you have any brown corals or have they all colored up for you?

Thanks Mark, it's always good talking with you :).

I have 3 that are not where I want them. UPM, Ponape Torch, Roscoe's. The Ponape as you know has it moments of happiness and the Roscoe's I don't plan on keeping. The UPM, I just can't figure out :confused:. On a side note the Aussie Echinata I got a few months back has made quite the turn around :D
This has been an awesome thread to read. Took me about 3 days to read it all and was worth it. I am setting up a tank with the same dimensions in a couple of weeks. I am doing the same as you upgrading with the move. I hope I dont lose my corals but I dont have any choice. Is there anything you would do differently when you transferred your corals. I cut off frags of the prized possessions to give to a friend in case I need them later. Anything else? Thanks and awesome tank.
This has been an awesome thread to read. Took me about 3 days to read it all and was worth it. I am setting up a tank with the same dimensions in a couple of weeks. I am doing the same as you upgrading with the move. I hope I dont lose my corals but I dont have any choice. Is there anything you would do differently when you transferred your corals. I cut off frags of the prized possessions to give to a friend in case I need them later. Anything else? Thanks and awesome tank.

Thanks Demonic! I'm glad you enjoyed the thread.

If I where to do any thing different.... looking back at it I probably would have taken the offer that was make to me to sell all my corals ;). Seeing how that didn't happen, I would have placed frag of each coral in a few different friends tanks and moved the rest of the colonies to a friends.

Keeping the coral during the move was not an option seeing how I had to move everything in 3 day. It just wasn't enough time to move a tank and my family.
I am going to devote a full day to moving the tank and its inhabitants. I dont have colonies like you but some are a decent size. Just going to cross my fingers and hope for the best. Thanks for the advice. I am looking forward to some updates on how your fish are doing. I went through an ick outbreak about 2 months ago. I just left them in the tank since everyone was still eating well. My powder brown was the worst one. But after about a month it went away. I am sure you will get over yours too. It seems it comes back when I add more fish but only last a week or so. Maybe its just stress... Kind of like my gray hair when I get stressed. LOL
NP, all the fish are doing fine but except for the blueline. Every once in awhile he will have a few spots. He eats well so I,m not to concerned.

LMK when you get your new tank and how the move goes. I wish you the best of luck :).
Thanks. I am sure I will need some luck on my side. Maybe I will document how I do everything just in case and will post it. Good or bad it could be used as a learning experience of what to do, or what not to do. :)
This has been an awesome thread to read. Took me about 3 days to read it all and was worth it. I am setting up a tank with the same dimensions in a couple of weeks. I am doing the same as you upgrading with the move. I hope I dont lose my corals but I dont have any choice. Is there anything you would do differently when you transferred your corals. I cut off frags of the prized possessions to give to a friend in case I need them later. Anything else? Thanks and awesome tank.
I know this is Brian's thread, but I do have a lot of input to this question as I just finished shipping my livestock from Washington State to North Carolina, with pretty disastrous results...

I had two rocks on top that had a lot of my favorite corals encrusting really well on them (ORA Red Planet, for one). I figured i didn't want to lose a years worth of encrusting goodness so I got giant, thick bags from my LFS and tried to ship those two rocks in their own boxes with a lot of padding around the rocks to stop them from shifting. They looked sturdy enough, but Southwest Airlines (the freight division) ended up crushing both of those boxes and then refusing to ship them on because they were wet. All of my prized corals ended up dying because they sat in a warehouse cold and dry for over 48 hours...

Moral of the story, moving sucks but you just have to accept that and move on. If I ever did this again I would frag all of my corals off the rocks, frag any big ones at least twice to ship in separate bags, and ship all corals in their own bags. Definitely give some corals to friends with local systems so they have the means to repopulate you if something goes horribly wrong. I would only take what fish were special to me and sell EVERYTHING else. I shipped a box full of liverock (the freight price was that good) but I think it might be what caused the boxes to get crushed in flight.

Good luck! Moving is already stressful enough moving a fish tank can be downright awful.

Thanks for the info, but I am very lucky that my move is only 15 miles away. As for the corals that are encrusting I have come to the conclusion that it would probably be better for me just to chip them off the rock. I am sure everything will not survive but I am going to give it my best shot. Last move I did was about 2 or so years ago and I lost some of my prized fish. Going to try avoiding that at all cost. I have containers and heaters ready to go. I have purchased specimen cups and heat packs also. Anything that will not fit in the cups will be chopped down and someone will get a very special frag pack.....
Hmm, in your situation it seems like trying to move everything over on the rocks might actually work if its only 15 miles away. Still would be smart to take some bigger frags and put them in a friends tank for safekeeping.
I know this is Brian's thread, but I do have a lot of input to this question as I just finished shipping my livestock from Washington State to North Carolina, with pretty disastrous results...

I had two rocks on top that had a lot of my favorite corals encrusting really well on them (ORA Red Planet, for one). I figured i didn't want to lose a years worth of encrusting goodness so I got giant, thick bags from my LFS and tried to ship those two rocks in their own boxes with a lot of padding around the rocks to stop them from shifting. They looked sturdy enough, but Southwest Airlines (the freight division) ended up crushing both of those boxes and then refusing to ship them on because they were wet. All of my prized corals ended up dying because they sat in a warehouse cold and dry for over 48 hours...

Moral of the story, moving sucks but you just have to accept that and move on. If I ever did this again I would frag all of my corals off the rocks, frag any big ones at least twice to ship in separate bags, and ship all corals in their own bags. Definitely give some corals to friends with local systems so they have the means to repopulate you if something goes horribly wrong. I would only take what fish were special to me and sell EVERYTHING else. I shipped a box full of liverock (the freight price was that good) but I think it might be what caused the boxes to get crushed in flight.

Good luck! Moving is already stressful enough moving a fish tank can be downright awful.

Sorry to hear about your losses Alex :(. While losses are never fun, just remember that corals will grow back ;).