Brightwell Aquatics NeoZeo method.

I have not posted in several months and wanted to share these two pictures. This first one is a current full tank shot from this week.


I have been using neo zeo since last June (for about a year). I was using the full method from about September to March. I took the stones off in March because my reactor is fablooey. :mad:

I am now using the MB7 and RBF along with my old ULNS stuff - Prodibio. I am dosing the Biodigest and Bioptim as every two weeks and a lower dose of MB7 in between. I have cut down to using RBF about once a week until I can get another zeolith reactor.

I am still using the organic stuff - coralamino, phytochrom, reefbooster, zooplanktos S and koralle VM.

Inorganics- koralcolor and potassion. I throw a dab of iodion and strontion now and then.

This next picture is from about a year ago before I started neo zeo.


Growth has been very good considering the light system. The PAR seems to be sufficient. I am also please with the color of the corals. The fish have even colored up! :D

I have been getting this green/brown film that is growing on the sand. This started around the time I took the stones off the tank. I have been adjusting my dosing down and it is fading.

Most all of the macro algae that was growing in my tank last year is gone. This was the whole reason I started using the ULNS stuff. The little boost on coral coral and growth is a nice bonus.
Looks like you made a lot of coral placement changes as well Sammy, but all looks pretty good.

Did you have any reasoning why you added the Prodibio back in the mix?
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CHUBAKAH - I added the Prodibio back in after I took the zeo reactor off. I was using an eheim canister that was fairly effective as long as you cranked the flow and rattled the stones every day or two. Since the canister is now fubar I am looking at getting a more traditional zeo reactor with the plunger. I feel these may be more effective than the canister especially when it comes to blowing the bacto sludge off the stones. I can see a difference as my glass gets dusty faster and this green stuff grows on the sand (without the stones).

Prodibio seems to be getting me back on track until I can get another zeo reactor. Unfortunately looks like a chiller is higher on the budget list this year so it may be months before I add the stones back in the mix. But still pleased with the results.
Any significant jumps in nutrient levels, or have you stayed around the same with the change?

I'm really curious how much of a difference they really made [Zeo stones] on either lowering or maintaining the nutrient levels to acceptable.

Also in asking that, did you maintain an every 6 week change out of 20% while you were online?
I'm waiting for my reactor to come in a question on the instructions as far as dosing the microbacter. I understand on weeks 1 and 2 I'm dosing 5ml a day, then on weeks three and four it says 2.5 ml of microbacter and reef biofuel. Does that mean cut back Microbacter to 2.5ml or increase it to 7.5ml? Just doesn't seem clear to me.

I know this is in the sps forum but I was wondering if anyone running the stones has/had xenia in there tank? Did it melt once ULN was achieved? Still hanging on or growing?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15274517#post15274517 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by saltygeek
I know this is in the sps forum but I was wondering if anyone running the stones has/had xenia in there tank? Did it melt once ULN was achieved? Still hanging on or growing?

Shouldn't have a problem.

"Hello Nick, The use of NeoZeo in the system will, without question, enable the nitrate concentration to come down because the ultimate source of nitrate (being ammonia/ammonium) will itself be removed from the system (by the media) prior to oxidation into nitrite and then nitrate. For a system holding 14 gallons of actual water, I would use ~25 g of NeoZeo and change this out every week or so to minimize the amount of ââ"šÂ¬Ã…"œnewââ"šÂ¬Ã‚ nitrate entering the system. Give the Microbacter7 time to pull the phosphate down; if you find that the concentration isnââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢t budging, you can use some PhosphatR at the recommended ratio of ml to gallons listed on the label."

Kindest regards,


CR Brightwell
Marine Scientist

I know it doesn't directly answer your question, but I will be trying it with zoa's, Ric's, LPS. (a few softies)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15273057#post15273057 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by JasonD
I'm waiting for my reactor to come in a question on the instructions as far as dosing the microbacter. I understand on weeks 1 and 2 I'm dosing 5ml a day, then on weeks three and four it says 2.5 ml of microbacter and reef biofuel. Does that mean cut back Microbacter to 2.5ml or increase it to 7.5ml? Just doesn't seem clear to me.

Been so long since I set up my system I can not remember 100% for sure, but I "Think" you reduce to 2.5, and not increase.

I'd have to go back and re read the PDF to be positive.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15274517#post15274517 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by saltygeek
I know this is in the sps forum but I was wondering if anyone running the stones has/had xenia in there tank? Did it melt once ULN was achieved? Still hanging on or growing?
In my system it died at about 6 weeks in.
Hi Chubakah,

I think I understand I cut it down to 1 ml, which kind of makes sense start off with a bump then cut it down and adjust from there. Hopefully getting my Reactor in today so I'll be able to go down the path.

Starting to does Microbacter right now to kind of seed the tank as they say.

Do you guys remember how long it took you go get to 0 nitrates with Brightwell? I want to start adding aminos, but I dont want to do so until I'm at 0 nitrates. I'm in Week 5, 58 Gallon, and Nitrates are still hovering at 5ppm. It was around 5-10 when I started.

I'm at 2.5ml on both BioFuel and MB7 daily.

I started BioFuel 3 weeks ago.

Are you using a reactor with the zeo material in it? or are you just dosing Microbacter7 and Biofuel by itself.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15292697#post15292697 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by fernandokng
Do you guys remember how long it took you go get to 0 nitrates with Brightwell? I want to start adding aminos, but I dont want to do so until I'm at 0 nitrates. I'm in Week 5, 58 Gallon, and Nitrates are still hovering at 5ppm. It was around 5-10 when I started.

I'm at 2.5ml on both BioFuel and MB7 daily.

I started BioFuel 3 weeks ago.

I'm not expert here, nor do I know much, however Chris Brightwell have exchanged at least 40 e-mails.

From him:

" NeoZeo [MEDIA] will remove nitrogen in the form of ammonium from the system; in doing so the nitrate concentration will gradually decrease due to natural denitrification taking place within the live rock. If/when the nitrate stops decreasing (having a measurement of >0 ppm), the system has likely become carbon-limited and it’s time to start dosing the BioFuel in minimal volume. I tend to run carbon in our systems, and I believe that it helps keep water quality higher"

BTW, for those interested, I got the green light to give NeoZeo a try. However he said to skip BioFuel (for now, and won't likely need it, in my 14g) He still highly recommend a skimmer, but a good skimmer for a 14g, costs nearly as much as the tank itself.

SO, I am going to try with my sponge methond. I have a total of 4 pieces of thicker sponge to catch the bigger stuff, and 2 "polishing pads" which filter and cling onto very very tiny particles.

Wash the pads every other day. (Takes me 5 minutes).

He helped me understand a little more about the system, how to use it, and what to look out for.

If I get an algae bloom, I am immediately getting a skimmer, however, since it costs me $2.50 for additional sponges, I will try the 4-pad method, NeoZeo media, a little bit of PhosPhatR [in the 3rd chamber, before the water intake for the return pump, and MB7.

So I'm just going to order the NeoZeo media, and PhosPhatR, a few more better filter pads, and call it an order.

He gave me recommended dosages for the media (in grams [26g], wth?) and MB7. Gave me some more advice, and I'm going to give it a shot for a week. If nothing visually is bad, I'll continue the second week, and start testing again.
I would like to remove the Zeolite Media from my canister and stirr it in a bucket full of dt water to dislodge all the crap that is stuck in there. Will this be OK to do?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15298684#post15298684 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by ricwilli
I would like to remove the Zeolite Media from my canister and stirr it in a bucket full of dt water to dislodge all the crap that is stuck in there. Will this be OK to do?
Not really.
If you wanted to stir it in a bucket of water from the tank that would certainly count as handling it in a good way:) But distilled water? I thinks it would kill the bacteria you worked so hard to create.

Here's my update photo. It's not as good as some of the other tanks on this thread, but I'm happy with the NeoZeo system. Before NeoZeo, all my sps's were dying.

FTS- 07-04-2009


