Brightwell Bricks

Well I don't think your statement is correct. MP are placed in a drawstring bag I made using thick felt. Then the bag goes into a container that is placed inside the canister. Also below and above the container has 4 inch thick foam blocks designed by the manufacturer to fill the space. Like I sad before, my NO4 is 0 (PO3 is .02) and I started last week dosing my tank lab grade KNO3 to get that number up.
Well I don't think your statement is correct. MP are placed in a drawstring bag I made using thick felt. Then the bag goes into a container that is placed inside the canister. Also below and above the container has 4 inch thick foam blocks designed by the manufacturer to fill the space. Like I sad before, my NO4 is 0 (PO3 is .02) and I started last week dosing my tank lab grade KNO3 to get that number up.

Interesting. Do you think the configuration of the felt bag/container inside the canister causes low oxygen areas to form in the spheres so denitrification can occur, or do you believe the spheres are binding the nitrate? Could there be other things in your system that are removing nitrates also like rock (live or dry), sand beds, algae, or etc.? What test kits are you using? Did I miss how heavy your bioload is? What is controlling your phosphates?
You may be correct. All I am saying, is that if there is too much oxygen, denitrification will not occur. My assumption, is that is the case with the MP in your canister.
I don't have the standard live reef rock. I have the man made Real Reef rock (2015), & bare bottom. I had a small amount of hair algae but that is gone from the 4 snails. 8 fishes and SPS dominate tank. I am more interested in coral than fish. Test kits are Hanna for PO3 and NO4. Red Sea for everything else.