Bring frags to FMAS meeting


Active member
I will be attending my first FMAS meeting this Tuesday. I am a newbie and I don't have any corals yet. I was wondering if anyone is willing to sell me some frags at the meeting. If so, could you send me a picture of the frag(s) and the price(s).
Yep. It's all donations that people bring in to be auctioned off. It keeps us at bay until the frag swap rolls around.
Ravedood, it would be helpful if you let us know what kind of corals you would like to keep versus what kind of lights you have so we can make sure what you get will survive.

Of course softies are going to be the easiest (and usually the least expensive) to keep in the beginning, followed by LPS, certain SPS species (montis, birdsnest, etc.), and ending with the more light demanding of the SPS species, clams, and some anemones.
Right now I have 2 65watt 50/50 24" power compacts and 2 vho 48" lights, 1 day light and 1 ultra violet. Since these would be my first corals I want something inexpensive, hardy and easy to maintain just to make sure everything survives.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12372172#post12372172 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by ravedood
...and 1 ultra violet.
Do you mean "...and 1 actinic", or are you really running a "blacklight" on your tank???

I'll try to pm you some pics later tonight of a few hardy, beginner corals I could bring for you.
Go for xenia, mushrooms, maybe some easy lps like candy canes or a plate. Good luck, and hope to see you there
If you want to stop by to see what I have, I am about 2-3 minutes from the meeting. Maybe a 1/2 mile from it.