Bring out the BIG guns!


Raise The Reef!
Alright, let me preface this a little bit. My LFS told me about a "brand-new revolutionary" product that they have been using on their tank for a few weeks now. They said their growth has exploded since using the product and have some pictures to prove it. I had them show me pictures and the growth was good but not what I would call "explosive".

A local guy asked a question about it and I said that until I could see the ingredients and science behind it, it was just snake oil to me.

Here is their response to me. Sorry it is a long read.

"I love that people are questioning it, and Ryan, we still have not come up with a name for it yet so Snake Oil will definitely be on the list, lol.

Nano Particulate Dosing Products
For all of those reading this, there is a base knowledge that must be learned before I can explain the way these new products work. For those advanced aquarists skip to the **** section for the explanation.

For those looking to increase their knowledge please read this first.
We are all trying to grow corals as fast as we can, the faster they grow the more frags we can cut and the more we cut the more we sell and the more we sell the more we can buy. This is an endless cycle, at least, for me.

Base Knowledge of Growing Corals:
We must first understand the makeup of corals. There is Zooxanthellae which is the symbiotic algae that live within the tissue of the coral. The skeletal structure of the coral which is made of Calcium Carbonate. This helps us understand that in order for the coral to grow they need Light to grow the algae as well as Calcium and Carbonate to grow their skeleton. The 'catalyst' for maintaining good levels of Calcium and good levels of Carbonate is Magnesium.

This is where we get the term the 'Big Three' in Reefkeeping and coral growing. Calcium, Alkalinity(Carbonate Hardness/Level) and Magnesium. In order for a coral to grow there needs to be good levels of each of these in the water column. We as Aquarists have come to understand that these 'good' levels are often tested out at 400-500 ppm for Calcium, 8-12dkh for Alkalinity, and 1200-1500 for Magnesium.

There are also a handful of trace elements that we have learned help the corals grow and color up better in captivity. Some of these are Iodide, Vitamin C, and other Vitamins, as well as Carbohydrates, Amino Acids and others.

****This is the exciting part. These new products we have just released are to be used in addition to what you are currently using to replenish used Cal/Alk/Mg whether that be a standard 2 part dosing system or a calcium reactor.

In the past we have dosed Calcium Chloride, Sodium Bicarbonate (Sodium Carbonate) and Magnesium Sulfate/Chloride to increase the levels of these needed elements in the water column. When dosing these there is a Chemical Reaction that must take place in order for the Calcium to release from the Chloride, the Carbonate to release from the Sodium and the Magnesium to release from the Sulfate/Chloride. Any chemical reaction that takes place uses Energy. Usually this Chemical reaction also causes Unwanted changes in the tank like a pH change, or a warming of the water.

With our New Products there is no Chloride, Sodium or Sulfate to release and no chemical reaction that needs to take place in order for it to be accessible by the coral for coral growth. So no Energy is expended by the coral in order to grow....This is possible due to the fact that the Cal/Alk/Mg is broken down to a nano particulate size which can be absorbed by the coral passively. With no 'carrier' like chloride, sulfate or sodium, the mixtures we have are the clean calcium, carbonate (alkalinity) and magnesium in a pure h2o/water.

We recommend dosing these in conjunction with your current dosing regimen and in doing so you will see an EXPLOSION in growth. We recommend dosing 15 ml of each product per 100gallons per day to see the same results as our show tank. These can be dosed into the system within seconds of each other with NONE of the Unwanted changes to pH or water.

Currently we have 4 products that have hit the market in Utah for a test run at the discounted price of $9.99 per 16 ounce bottle, or 4 bottles for $32. These were designed to last a 100 gallon system 1 month at the above mentioned dosing regimen.

The available bottles are: Pure Calcium, Pure Alkalinity, Pure Magnesium and Coral Accelerator(our trace elements blend).

We have come to recognize Two growth rates which we are calling:
Standard Growth Rate, or the rate at which your coral grows through the chemical reactions of actively removing the Calcium, Carbonate and Magnesium from the water column.

Explosive Growth Rate, or the rate at which your coral grows through passively absorbing the needed Calcium, Carbonate and Magnesium from the water column.

We have seen that this rate is an Explosion of growth lasting as long as our products are present in the system.
We also mention a term called BASE-LINE, which is the levels that the tank is at before dosing our products.

These products are unlike ANYTHING on the market now, and will cause this Explosive Growth Rate each time you dose. If you would like to test as you dose(which we recommend):

1- Test the tank before add the product. This gives you the BASE-LINE of what the tank is at.
2- Add the Products and wait 10-15 minutes.
3- Test the water.
4- Wait 1-4 hours(depending on coral load).
5- Test again, waiting less and less time every day until you can determine how fast your tank is using the products.

When we started our dosing we were only dosing twice a day, and thus missing out on keeping the corals maintained in the Explosive Growth Rate.

You will find that there is Explosive Growth Rate happening until all the the products you dosed are completely used up. After the products are used up the corals will return to their Standard Growth rate. As you test, you will be able to determine how fast your corals are using up the easily accessible elements, and adjust your dosing to match these time lines in order to MAXIMIZE your growth. Keep in mind that as your corals grow this fast, you will have to increase the amount of your regular dosing regimen in order to keep up the BASE-LINE"

I have my opinions on the subject but no concrete knowledge. I am not a scientist and my last chemistry class was in high school over 10 years ago.

So to Randy, bertoni, David, and all others: What say you?

Let's play 'Spot the one line in that that isn't utter tosh'!

Unless the metals are provided in elemental form, they must be bound as some form of salt. If they are a salt which goes into solution, then they will have to undergo the 'reaction' described to dissociate the ions into solution so that the corals can use them, whatever salt they are. If they are in elemental form, the reactions on adding them to your water would be 'interesting' - do film it and put it on YouTube when you get out of hospital. The last (and most likely) alternative is that they are simply finely ground salts that do not dissolve - now I could be wrong here, and I'm sure you'll correct me if I am, but I've never seen anything that tells me that corals can make use of solids in this manner. You might as well add ground up coral sand.

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"With no 'carrier' like chloride, sulfate or sodium, the mixtures we have are the clean calcium, carbonate (alkalinity) and magnesium in a pure h2o/water."

this sounds like total snake oil to me. IMHO

waiting for Randy and other masters to give more information.

If there is any possible this kind of product exists, that will be great , but for now, I doubt it deeply.
I have a few bottles of that stuff and it really is amazing. I am selling them for $1,000,000 each. First one with the cash gets it.
I really don't understand what the product is claiming to be. It might just be nanaoparticle calcium carbonate, and even then I'd be surprised if they are using that term correctly. Might just be fine calcium carbonate. And that is a well known product (such as Aragamight or Kent Liquid Reactor) which really doesn't dissolve nor is it available to corals. I don't believe the passive uptake of any nanoparticles is going to be significant.

As others mention, it is certainly not pure magnesium, calcium and what for alkalinity?

It might also be fine particle calcium and magnesium oxide or hydroxide,which would be like adding lime solids. That might work, but isn't anything new and it dissolves in tank water, not staying as particles.
wow "Explosive growth" huh....and all this dialect is for coral growth and not some kinda spam for a "male enchancement" product? (if it ain't lets "re-package it) tee hee hee
Thanks for the replies everyone. I want to get good info so I can call this guy out. Like I said, he jumped at the opportunity to attack me wheb I said it was just snake oil and I wanted to see the science.

Randy, do you have any good links that I can post on my local forum to save people from all of this?

How is this guy backing his "explosive" growth? Sounds like he's just a good salesman. Has he been able to produce any sort of proven growth differences?
How is this guy backing his "explosive" growth? Sounds like he's just a good salesman. Has he been able to produce any sort of proven growth differences?

They are taking pictures to document growth but we all know that has major flaws. Especially when he doesn't have pictures to document growth from before. He is banking on the idea that people will believe his tank was in perfect order before and this new product is just icing on the cake. In reality, the show tank was a mess. His employees let the oarameters get way out of whack and almost crashed the system.

For the last few weeks he has babied the tank and added some 2 part dosers. It is my belief thst this is what has caused the better growth for them. Not some revolutionary new product.
This is getting good! Look at this response to another member's question.


Question is in bold.

"This is a very exciting product and I'm glad you're posting details Jerry because I can get my thoughts together and ask you the right questions. What do you mean when you say that there normally has to be a chemical reaction for the calcium to release from the chloride? It is my understanding that when calcium chloride is introduced into an H2O solution that the calcium chloride automatically and completely dissociates into 2 separate ions, Ca(2+) and Cl(-) without any assistance at all and that those ions are already completely free to react with anything regardless of any chloride ions in the solution. I understand the same follows for sodium/carbonate ions and magnesium/chloride or sulfate ions?

My other question is, if not by addition of calcium chloride (or any other calcium salt) how is the maker of this product able to get pure calcium ions into a solution and keep it stable without having it react or precipitate with anything else?"

This is their response.

"For the most part you are correct, in that the chemical reaction to release the chloride starts the second it hits the RO water. This is why it is always recommended to mix your 2 part before adding it to the tank. The next time you add your two part to the tank watch it as it hits the water, you will see that there is still reaction taking place as it mixes into the saltwater. Often when you mix your products you will see sediment on the bottom of the container. This is known as fall-out, or the elements that were not able to bond.

Definition: BASE-LINE = the level of Calcium/Alkalinity/Magnesium in your tank before adding any of our products.

I need to stress that the New Products do not replace your current system of dosing to maintain the BASE-LINE of Cal/Alk/Mg, unless setup and tested continually on a dosing system. Our New Products, when being introduced to the tank are SOOO small that the corals can absorb them Passively, and instantly. This is why when we have tested the show tank 2 hours after dosing, it is back to the BASE-LINE. The biggest difference is that we are now dealing with Nano Particulates.

To give you an idea on the size difference, in 5 ml of solution there are MORE nano particulates than there are CELLS in the human body.

This means that we have just released the SMALLEST Calcium/Alkalinity/Magnesium products on the planet, LOL.

This is the Million Dollar/Proprietary question. What I can say is that the 'Process' of doing it must be done in a lab after passing through a few steps of security clearance. This process has been used and is being used for Food/Human Consumption products, but I don't have authorization to say who or what. We were just EXTREMELY lucky to bring it to the Ornamental Fish and Coral world."


If anyone wants to read the entire thread, here is the link.
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Owner Response

Owner Response

In reality, the show tank was a mess. His employees let the parameters get way out of whack and almost crashed the system.

For the last few weeks he has babied the tank and added some 2 part dosers. It is my belief thst this is what has caused the better growth for them. Not some revolutionary new product.

I have to correct Ryan in saying that for the Four months prior to using the new products, we had seen great/ average growth by keeping the parameters of the tank between 440-450ppm calcium, 9.3-9.7 dkh Alkalinity, and 1330-1350 Magnesium. This was with a series of dosing pumps installed in early September.

He is right in the fact that over the last few weeks, while dosing the new product, we have been testing like crazy and watching the new stuff. We have not changed anything else (other than adjust the two part dosing pumps up after each week of growth do to the increase in demand by the corals growing so fast). It must be noted that we have documented a base line of what the tank registered before each dose, then documented the quick increase, and decline as the products are absorbed by the corals. We only adjusted the dosing pumps AFTER seeing the huge growth on the corals, and also saw the base line lower as the corals size, and consequently their demand increased.

I also must explain that this product is unlike ANYTHING on the market already. It is done using a proprietary process where the Calcium/Carbonate/Magnesium ions are bonded to h2o, all in separate containers. This is above any common chemistry, and will undoubtedly rub a few 'experts' the wrong way. This is Great in fact because it does work.

Please don't be mistaken in thinking this is "sand" mixed in water. The reality is that the ions are so small that the corals are able to absorb them Faster than ANYTHING on the market already. Hence an increase in coral growth so fast that we were shocked.

I hope that there are tons of doubters and haters out there. Don't try if you don't want to, but you will be buying corals from those that do use it soon enough.
I have to correct Ryan in saying that for the Four months prior to using the new products, we had seen great/ average growth by keeping the parameters of the tank between 440-450ppm calcium, 9.3-9.7 dkh Alkalinity, and 1330-1350 Magnesium. This was with a series of dosing pumps installed in early September.

He is right in the fact that over the last few weeks, while dosing the new product, we have been testing like crazy and watching the new stuff. We have not changed anything else (other than adjust the two part dosing pumps up after each week of growth do to the increase in demand by the corals growing so fast). It must be noted that we have documented a base line of what the tank registered before each dose, then documented the quick increase, and decline as the products are absorbed by the corals. We only adjusted the dosing pumps AFTER seeing the huge growth on the corals, and also saw the base line lower as the corals size, and consequently their demand increased.

Since I have the store credit, I will come in today and pick up the bottles. Sound fair? I was going to use it to buy some GFO and what not but I will gladly try this out and you can make a believer out of me.
Will it work together with the ecoaqualizer or would the effect be too synergistic?

FWIW I always wondered where the small ions were going. Now I know; they were rapidly absorbed by corals. Thank you for the explanation.

I always get stuck with the large ions. I'll scoop them out and replace by smaller ions.
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I have to correct Ryan in saying that for the Four months prior to using the new products, we had seen great/ average growth by keeping the parameters of the tank between 440-450ppm calcium, 9.3-9.7 dkh Alkalinity, and 1330-1350 Magnesium. This was with a series of dosing pumps installed in early September.

He is right in the fact that over the last few weeks, while dosing the new product, we have been testing like crazy and watching the new stuff. We have not changed anything else (other than adjust the two part dosing pumps up after each week of growth do to the increase in demand by the corals growing so fast). It must be noted that we have documented a base line of what the tank registered before each dose, then documented the quick increase, and decline as the products are absorbed by the corals. We only adjusted the dosing pumps AFTER seeing the huge growth on the corals, and also saw the base line lower as the corals size, and consequently their demand increased.

I also must explain that this product is unlike ANYTHING on the market already. It is done using a proprietary process where the Calcium/Carbonate/Magnesium ions are bonded to h2o, all in separate containers. This is above any common chemistry, and will undoubtedly rub a few 'experts' the wrong way. This is Great in fact because it does work.

Please don't be mistaken in thinking this is "sand" mixed in water. The reality is that the ions are so small that the corals are able to absorb them Faster than ANYTHING on the market already. Hence an increase in coral growth so fast that we were shocked.

I hope that there are tons of doubters and haters out there. Don't try if you don't want to, but you will be buying corals from those that do use it soon enough.

I picked some up the other day and will keep a log of tests and pictures of the results. Was glad to be able to try it during this testing period. The show tank does look significantly better for sure, but I will be able to tell a difference for sure as nothing, other than this product, has changed in my tank in the last few months. I will keep you updated.
I’m sorry, but I’m always skeptical of anecdotal responses to the “performance” of any products.

That kind of crap works great for marketing folks and coming up with advertising, but give me the science….and I’m not talking about the anecdotal science provided about how this snake-oil has micronized ions with no energy consumption in dissolution of dissociation….and can absorb them “passively”….which is termed osmosis, and occurs with all ion imbalances….please.

Nice story, but please, until the science is done, begin this story with “Once upon a time,” and end it with, “lived happily ever after.”

I have my doubts also, but not scared to try something new. Charles Duell was the Commissioner of the US Patent Office in 1899 and said "everything that can be invented has been invented." I don't know about you, but I think some pretty cool stuff has been invented in the last 100+ years. I wonder what the next 100 year has to offer.
I have my doubts also, but not scared to try something new. Charles Duell was the Commissioner of the US Patent Office in 1899 and said "everything that can be invented has been invented." I don't know about you, but I think some pretty cool stuff has been invented in the last 100+ years. I wonder what the next 100 year has to offer.

Myth. Duell never said that. A quick Google search will pull up dozens of sources for you.

We may invent things but you can not change the laws of nature.

I am MORE than skeptical as well but since I have some store credit, I will try it out. Do I think it will work? Nope, but I will take weekly pictures to see if I notice anything.

Growth is usually best determined by taking the coral out, measuring it and also weighing it. I won't be doing any of that so my evidence will be skewed but at least documentation will be there.
My bad... I had heard it somewhere and guess it was wrong. Good job on the Google search. Seemed some of your responses fell in line with that quote either way. Fine to question it, as I also question it. Glad to see you are going to give it a go.
My bad... I had heard it somewhere and guess it was wrong. Good job on the Google search. Seemed some of your responses fell in line with that quote either way. Fine to question it, as I also question it. Glad to see you are going to give it a go.

I have heard that same quote but the one I heard took place in like 1830. I researched it out and found it to be false.

There will always be advancements in technology but I don't see how we can change the nature of molecules. They are what they are.

I remember someone trying to me sell me this awesome juice that had some "specially" formulated water. Something about how they realigned the molecules so the body could take up the water more efficiently. A quick Google search showed the whole thing debunked and had explanations of why that could never happen.

A molecule is a molecule is a molecule. Yes, I understand they can have different charges and weights and all that but I don't understand any of it enough to hold my own. That is why I came straight to Randy and others with this. If they say it isn't possible, it isn't possible. Plain and simple for me.

Now if the product does work, I bet there is something else that a "chemist" found and then just markets it as a new, revolutionary product. You want to know what makes corals grow super fast? Food. When I could feed my corals on a consistent basis, they grew like mad. If I stopped feeding they didn't grow as much.