Broken brace question


New member
I have a 125 gallon reef tank and the brace on top is broken. I have a bent piece of steel holding it for now, is there any place to order the replacement top frames with the brace for these tanks? I can't seem to find anywhere that has these for sale. My tank is 72"×18"×24". Please help if anyone knows of anywhere.
I lost my two braces years ago and I love it.
My steel frame does not bend at all though.
If you want things done properly do it yourself.
Well I know these arent quite big enough but there cheap and I have bought two of them and done a dual baced set up.

This is a picture of a sump I did with GC rims it's only a 48" but I needed 3 compartments so I used 2 36" frames cut down.


If you notice one of the braces is actually an end that was notched.
I bet push come to shove you could do somthing cool with a 48" and a 36"