Tank is a year and half old, struggling with some sort of brown algae that is growing on the bottom. It looks like fine strands that cover the surface and when I vacuum the sand it doesn't seem to come off easily. I have battled Cyno about a month ago but this is different and the chemical war does nothing on this stuff. Have also started to find fine strands of string (algae?) on some on my corals.
Parma - 1.026, ph - 8, calc 420, nit 8, alk 8.4, phosphates 0 - but who knows.
Mars Augustine lights, blues at 70%, Whites at 35% , on at noon and off at 10.
Any thoughts? Thanks. - best pics I could get
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Parma - 1.026, ph - 8, calc 420, nit 8, alk 8.4, phosphates 0 - but who knows.
Mars Augustine lights, blues at 70%, Whites at 35% , on at noon and off at 10.
Any thoughts? Thanks. - best pics I could get
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