BRS Magnetic Frag Rack Expensive (35.00) Can I buy Magnets and Glue them to Egg Crate

that Fish Guy

Frag Swap Crusader!
Bulk Reef Supply (BRS) Sells the Ocean's Wonder Frag Rack for 35.00

Below is the Link.

I have a few of them and they are not that big (17 Holes by 4 Holes).

The company says that they are not made out of Egg Crate but something Fancy.

It sure looks like Black Egg Crate to me though.

I noticed that Bulk Reef Supply also Sells Replacement Magnets for 6.99

Below is the Link.

So my question is can I just buy these Magnets for 6.99 and Glue Them to the Black Egg Crate that I already have to make the Exact Same Thing for a Fraction of the Cost to save a Bunch of Money?

I can even Make the Racks Bigger to Hold more Frags too.

Or will that not work?

I mean these Frag Racks are Amazing and Strong but 35.00?

Seem like they are gouging people here.

I think they should sell for around 10.00 to 15.00 not 35.00

The Eshopps Acrylic Magnet Racks sell for 23.99 and they are more than twice the size and Made of Acrylic not Egg Crate.

What do you guys think?

I have included Pictures and a Link in case you are not Familiar with this Product.

Please Click on the Pictures to make the Bigger.


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I have the same one... it's injection molded not eggcrate. Probably expensive because of the mold cost and low production volume. Price does seem real high but magnets hold strong and it's a good product. Ace hardware in my area sells those type of strong magnets in different sizes. Here's a link to some on amazon

I have held it side by side with Egg Crate and see Absolutly No Difference.

But I do agree that it is a Great Product.

But why should I pay 35.00 when I can get the same thing for 6.99

Plus I can make it Bigger which is a Huge Plus.

That is the only thing I dislike about this Product is that it is too Small.

It is 2.5" Deep.

I wish it was 4" Deep like the Eshopps Acrylic Rack.

But if I make my own I can make it 4" Deep and save a lot of Money.
I have held it side by side with Egg Crate and see Absolutly No Difference.

But I do agree that it is a Great Product.

But why should I pay 35.00 when I can get the same thing for 6.99

Plus I can make it Bigger which is a Huge Plus.

That is the only thing I dislike about this Product is that it is too Small.

It is 2.5" Deep.

I wish it was 4" Deep like the Eshopps Acrylic Rack.

But if I make my own I can make it 4" Deep and save a lot of Money.

Do you see the part where the magnets are attached and the 2 feet that stick down, that's the difference. Also the magnets are overmolded with plastic. I agree you can do a dyi but some want convenience. I don't know why they copied the eggcrate look when they could have easily changed the look. This is not eggcrate.
Do you see the part where the magnets are attached and the 2 feet that stick down, that's the difference. Also the magnets are overmolded with plastic. I agree you can do a dyi but some want convenience. I don't know why they copied the eggcrate look when they could have easily changed the look. This is not eggcrate.

I am going to use DYI Magnets though.

The Same Company (Oceans Wonders) sells Replacement Magnets for their Actual 34.99 Frag Rack on Bulk Reef Supply for 6.99

So My Plan is to buy the Magnets form Bulk Reef Supply therefore I would be using the Exact Same Magnets that Oceans Wonders uses for their 35.00 Racks but just attach them to Black Egg Crate.

So essentially I would get the same product for 6.99 instead of 34.99

And I could make it a little larger to store more Frags (Something the company does not offer since they only have one size rack).

Would this Work?

The only Difference is these Magnets are Coated in "Rubber" and not "Plastic" so they are actually referred to as the Upgraded Magnets.
Free shipping on those 6.99 magnets? Even with shipping you would be a little cheaper than buying their ready made ones, but at that point it is up to the person if that difference is worth making their own or not...

figure 7 for the magnets, ~14 for the egg crate, plus shipping on the magnets and you're already at $25. I would still go DIY, because you are still saving money and can make the rack any size/shape you want.
There's no reason to pay $35 for that unless your lazy and don't feel like making it yourself, which is fine.

Eggcrate and a sealed magnet(s) will get you by just fine. I used eggcrate, super glue gel, and an old magnet that used to be for modded maxijet powerheads.

I recommend doing some support legs that run diagonal from the magnet to the end of the frag rack to help support the edge a little. The maxijet magnet was rather large/sturdy, but even with that the rack was a little flimsy.

Edit: Check the shipping on BRS also. I love their site, but their freight for small items is absolutely ridiculous. They wanted to charge me $15 in shipping (UPS Ground) for 2 float switches.
Free shipping on those 6.99 magnets? Even with shipping you would be a little cheaper than buying their ready made ones, but at that point it is up to the person if that difference is worth making their own or not...

figure 7 for the magnets, ~14 for the egg crate, plus shipping on the magnets and you're already at $25. I would still go DIY, because you are still saving money and can make the rack any size/shape you want.

I have to buy GFO so I am paying 5.99 Shipping already so that does not count.

Also, I already have the Egg Crate so that does not count. (Even if I did pay 14.00 for the Egg Crate it is 4 Foot by 2 Foot so I could probably make 20 of these Racks so you would have to factor that in too.)

So the Rack is 6.99 exactly not 25.00 as you put it.
There's no reason to pay $35 for that unless your lazy and don't feel like making it yourself, which is fine.

Eggcrate and a sealed magnet(s) will get you by just fine. I used eggcrate, super glue gel, and an old magnet that used to be for modded maxijet powerheads.

I recommend doing some support legs that run diagonal from the magnet to the end of the frag rack to help support the edge a little. The maxijet magnet was rather large/sturdy, but even with that the rack was a little flimsy.

Edit: Check the shipping on BRS also. I love their site, but their freight for small items is absolutely ridiculous. They wanted to charge me $15 in shipping (UPS Ground) for 2 float switches.

Every Time I order it is Flat 5.99 plus I get 5.00 off so it is 0.99

Would it work if I just Glued the Small Magnets that they sell separatly for 6.99 to Black Egg Crate to get the Same Product?

Would the Magnet Stick to the Glue OK?

Or could the Glue Eat Threw the Coating on the Magnet and Rust causing Problems in the Tank?

I have seen Rusted Out Eshopps Magnets from their Racks. That is my Main concern here.
The egg crate was free before hand? you still had to pay for it. Dont lose track of your money if you plan to save it!
you will need 2 packs of those magnets so you have 4 total for each frag station and if you make them bigger you may need more magnets per station.

14.00 for the magnets
14.00 for the egg crate
5.99 shipping
33.99 total
I built my own little corner racks from those ocean wonders magnets and black egg crate. They work great. :)
Every Time I order it is Flat 5.99 plus I get 5.00 off so it is 0.99

Would it work if I just Glued the Small Magnets that they sell separatly for 6.99 to Black Egg Crate to get the Same Product?

Would the Magnet Stick to the Glue OK?

The small magnets should work fine. Just make sure you use the appropriate amount.

I noticed they actually sell the magnet I used as well. I used this one:

It's expensive, but again I already had it from some old school maxijets I used to run years ago.
I have a couple tonga branches stuck to mp40 magnets. Pricey but super strong.

As long as you get acrylic egg crate you are all good. I wouldn't get the home depot stuff.
you will need 2 packs of those magnets so you have 4 total for each frag station and if you make them bigger you may need more magnets per station.

14.00 for the magnets
14.00 for the egg crate
5.99 shipping
33.99 total


You need two sets of magnets.
The eshopps one is like $23 go for that one.

I have a Bunch of those and Hate them for many Reasons.

1. Holes are to Far Apart.
2. The Magnets are Week and they often Fall Over and Dump my Frags on other Corals killing the Coral.
3. I get a Ton of Algae on them and Constantly have to Clean them.

I do not have any of these Problems with the Oceans Wonders Rack.
I have the exact rack -- I bought it for about 25 bucks prior to the price increase. I agree that it seems too small, but I understand why it's the size that it is. Unfortunately, even though the magnets are strong, they can barely hold up a completely full rack -- I use the small plugs that BRS sells and it actually gets heavy. So, if you were to make your own rack, you'd need to buy more magnets, and you can't make it much wider, or it'll end up tipping over. You could go longer, but again, more magnets!

I agree that the eShopps racks have terrible magnets. I bought a couple of used ones and quickly got rid of them.

If you were to make your own racks, you may want to consider making an 'L' shape out of egg crate, then adding 4 magnets instead of 2. This will increase stability allowing you to make it wider.