BRS was hacked

Another reason to support your local stores.

Any brick and mortar store can have a breach. I wish I could pay cash locally 100% of the time.

I like staying off the NSA's radar as much as I can. Ever wonder why the stores in the mall want your number/email/life story when checking out? I like to tell them to buzz off.
My Amex got hit for $2300 last month from a car dealer in Chicago. Amex removed it right away and sent me a new card. It will not keep me from ordering from them in the future.
When I first read a thread about this on the main forum, I thought BRS dropped the ball big time. I don't fault them on getting hacked. I fault them on lack of communication & disregard of their customers. They probably don't want any BRS imposter emails with bogus links going to their customers, but you can at least send a simple email to acknowledge the breach with notification a letter coming in the mail. Not to mention, the 'Security Update' link on their site was definitely intended to be as small as possible.
Ya i used paypal and they also have my email on file. My bank account didnt get hit but my email that i use for everything is being bombarded with spam. Im getting emails from fake banks saying my account has been compromised and i have to fill out a form to prove my idenity and what not. Rather annoying. I cant really blame brs fully. The people that hack stuff like that are very smart at what they do.