Brute trash can measurements


New member
Ok So I bought two 32 gallon brute trash cans to make my Saltwater and RO/DI freshwater. I need to put in the auto shut off valve but do not know how high it should be in the can. I want to be able to fill it up and always know exactly how much water is inside of it. Any ideas besides filling it using a gallon jug to measure?
Someone cut holes in the side one on top and one on the bottom, then put bulkheads in, then connected the two holes with a clear tube. Then filled the water in prescribed amounts and made the marks on the clear tube. Allows for viewing amount without having marks on the inside that can contaminate water.
Instead of marking the can, I made a measuring stick from some pvc pipe and vinyl numbers.
I filled and measured every five gallons and used math to figure out individual gallons between the fives.

I use an external clear cylinder. I was a little lazy, so I used the same bulkhead connection as the one I use for export - my setup is gravity driven.

This only works if there is no flow. Once the water flows through the pipe, the level drops and can't be used while the water is being drawn.

I expected that, but didn't think I'd need to know the level while pulling water out. I've since experienced plenty of situations where I did.

So, if you use an external clear pipe for reading the level, don't use it for anything else - and keep the connection very short.