Bubble King Mini 200 pump problems


My Bubble King Mini 200 pump has been shutting itself off for no apparent reason (perhaps the "built in automatic shutoff" has problems?) over the past few months. I've repeatedly removed, soaked in vinegar, disassembled, inspected and such, and it still quits, only to inexplicably start up again a few days to a week later after further attempts to switch it on again.
In one instance, it actually started up in the vinegar bucket when I switched on a fluorescent desk lamp on the same bench power strip. This leads me to believe the automatic shutoff may have some problems.
Any suggestions on how I should address this problem?
Hi Ray,

Sorry to hear about the problems you're having. Is this a Gen 1 or Gen 2 model? Let me know and we'll start working on getting this taken care of for you.

Hi Jeremy. It's a Gen 1 model, ordered from Premium Aquatics 8/4/2008.
I think we've worked the pump at least once (where it was sent back and it worked when you plugged it in...sigh). Appears to be a recurring problem, only this time it appears to be a hard stop.
Thanks for any and all help.
Hi Ray,

I have seen the control boards go out on a few Askoll 1500 motorblocks in the past. This not a Red Dragon pump thing, but any Askoll motorblock. Let me see how long it would take to get a new motorblock in stock for you and I will post back.

Hey Jeremy,
Any luck with an estimate for getting a new Askoll block? While I'm running a pair of Tunze 9015's att, I'd like to the get a functioning BK back on line.
Hi Ray, I left a message for them but have not heard back yet. I will give them a call once they get opened up here in a couple of ours and post back here.

Hi Jeremy,
With them taking their time with responding to you about the new Askoll block, would it be better for me to simply pick up a Laguna Max-Flo 1500 and strip for the block?
Hi Ray,

I just spoke with the distributor this morning, sorry for the delay on it. They do not have the block in stock, it would take around 2-3 weeks to get in for you.

If you want to try and do the Laguna 1500 block you can, the only downside is that block is glued to the white base. If you can get that off you will be just fine though.
No problem Jeremy. I may try to pick up a Laguna block as a spare in any case.

What do I need to do to order this new Askoll replacement block? What's it going to run?