Bubble King Skimmer Club

For starters, that skimmer is marginally oversized for your tank. You could be dealing with an issue where the skimmer neck diameter is too large for your load and the lack of sufficient DOC's (for that skimmer) can make it impossible for the skimmer to maintain a consistent foam head. What ends up happening is that the skimmer will skim great until it lowers the DOC's at which point, the foam head will tend to lower until the DOC's build back up. I have run into this issue a number of times before with other people and even had this issue on my tank with an Alpha 300 before I upgraded to the smaller Supermarin 250 which ended up being much more consistent. FWIW, the BK skimmer size ratings are typically based on display size. Not overall water volume size. This is because the display is where the load is concentrated and your sump/refugium is actually part of the nutrient export.

That said, this skimmer should be in a sump depth range of a minimum 6" and a max of 7.8" with about 6.5" sump depth being optimal. As far as the number of turns out on the volute, 1.5" is a good starting point but you may need to go more or even less depending on how the foam looks. Here is a link to the manual. Take a look at the setup steps on page 3& 4. Particularly the internal water level on page 4. Make sure you sump depth is in the range mentioned above. The higher the water level in your sump, the wetter the skimmer will skim meaning larger bubbles higher up in the skimmers body. The idea is to get the sump level such that the bubbles inside the skimmer start at the optimal level (page 4 of the manual) with the wedge pipe wide open. From there you fine tune. Start by adjusting the volute to get a nice solid foam head. Once you have a good foam where the bubbles are not bursting at the surface, then fine tune using the wedge pipe. Keep in mind that if this skimmer is new, it will take up to 2 weeks for the skimmer to fully break in and settle down. Also keep in mind that when you make an adjustment, it will take an hour or two before the results of that adjustment are fully visible. As such, make one adjustment at a time and wait a couple hours before making another adjustment.

Also keep in mind that the adjust volute works as follows. Opening the volute allows more air but tends to create larger bubbles. This also allows less water into the pump as it's displaced by air. Closing the volute, lessens the amount of air but also decreases the bubble size which can be good. This also increases the amount of water going into the skimmer which tends to raise the water level. Finding the sweet spot just takes time and experimenting but your 1.5 turns out is a good starting point. Water level in the sump however is very critical.

Here is the manual.

Hey mate,

thank you so much for the detailed reply - It's much appreciated!!

I totally agree with what your saying, I had a feeling that this skimmer is too big for my system, even if the system was heavily stocked I stil believe it's not going to skim to it's full potential due to it being too large for my tank.

My skimmer is currently sitting in 7" of water in the sump. I have played around with water height, wedge pipe settings and volute settings for the past 2.5 months and still haven't been able to get the skimmer to produce a nice consistent skim properly.

I have the opportunity to grab a RE Double Cone 150 - Do you think I should downsize this skimmer? It sounds like this skimmer will better match my system.

I look forward to your response and thank you in advance

Hey mate,

thank you so much for the detailed reply - It's much appreciated!!

I totally agree with what your saying, I had a feeling that this skimmer is too big for my system, even if the system was heavily stocked I stil believe it's not going to skim to it's full potential due to it being too large for my tank.

My skimmer is currently sitting in 7" of water in the sump. I have played around with water height, wedge pipe settings and volute settings for the past 2.5 months and still haven't been able to get the skimmer to produce a nice consistent skim properly.

I have the opportunity to grab a RE Double Cone 150 - Do you think I should downsize this skimmer? It sounds like this skimmer will better match my system.

I look forward to your response and thank you in advance


I'd try raising the sump level 1/4 to 1/2" and see if that helps. Wedge pipe totally open. Then adjust the volute. You may need to close volute a little bit to get a smaller bubbles. Only close it a fraction of a turn at a time and let it settle in for an hour or so before making another adjustment. That said, the Double Cone 150 would be very consistent on your tank but I would still play with the 180 a bit more to see if you can get more consistency out of it. Also, based on the number of fish you currently have, I don't consider that heavily stocked so that will definitely be working against your skimmer. Especially if you are doing regular water changes and have decent biological filtration and or a refugium or filter socks.
BK 300 internal body cracked

BK 300 internal body cracked

Didn't know where to start this thread, but my skimmer which I love started leaking water out through the halfway point of the cylindrical acryllic body. There is a seam there ( which I never really knew) and it won't get enough pressure to fill skimmate cup.

Leak is below water level of the sump but you can see the "current" of water coming out. It is about 5 years old, and of course I just had to replace the insanely expensive Red Dragon pump. Thoughts?
tim jenkins: I would contact Klaus, or the USA Division of R-E.

Klaus Jansen D OR re_usa are the RC usernames of each, respectively.

From one of those sources you should be able to get a recommendation for the solvent/cement/glue that will best allow you to affect a DIY repair on that seam. They should be able to tell you which will give you the best results on their materials. This would be the fastest, cheapest solution. (Since it's a smooth factory seam rather than a later-formed gap, cavity, or split in the body, self-repair shouldn't change the internal dynamics of your skimmer... but you should ask the experts to be sure!)
Well, I'm in the club with a SM200..

Quick question for SM200 owners, does anyone know how to remove and take apart the silencer/resonator?

My red dragon pump runs very quiet, but there is a lot of air noise and I would like to know how to minimize it. Any recommendations would be appreciated.

Wow mine has never pulled that much. I always assumed it was too much skimmer for my 60 cube. Do run biopellets? What kind of bio load?

Yes I run Ecobak pellets in a Reef Dynamics Recirculating BP Reactor. Nitrates are always zero. Bioload is:

One Sebae clown
One Peppermint Shrimp
One Sixline Wrasse
One small blue Damsel
Two medium Green Chromis

About 20 sps frags
no crack

no crack

Now I dont think there is a crack in the acryllic (awesome) but I wonder if the stumpy hose that connects pump and skimmer is the problem. It has an unusual ID/OD and thickness. Is that sold anywhere, and has anybody used a longer segment so the footprint of the BK 300 internal isn't so dang wide? If so I could put it in my 150 sump for the FOWLR. Thanks!
Well, I'm in the club with a SM200..

Quick question for SM200 owners, does anyone know how to remove and take apart the silencer/resonator?

My red dragon pump runs very quiet, but there is a lot of air noise and I would like to know how to minimize it. Any recommendations would be appreciated.


Take a look at section 7.1 (page 12) of this manual for instructions on servicing the silencer. It basicly snaps together.
The cap is tight, I used a putty knife to help get it started. HTH
The picture shows using a screw driver to push up the cap by going in the bottom tube of the silencer and pushing the cap up. This is a better way than how I did it.
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The cap is tight, I used a putty knife to help get it started. HTH
The picture shows using a screw driver to push up the cap by going in the bottom tube of the silencer and pushing the cap up. This is a better way than how I did it.

I got it apart, thanks for your help. It had some salt crystals that restricted performance. I can't believe the performance now... what a difference.
Very quiet now too!
Just joined the club. Got a new BK mini 160 from Premium Aquatics. Great guys to deal with.
I have a few questions for the experts. I put skimmer in tank and followed the instructions. On the instructions it shows to place the skimmer with no cup on until foam builds. In manual it shows pic of the skimmer without the cup and water level right to rim. Mine does not go that high. I have the wedge pipe wide open. Should I close the pipe until the water reaches the rim as shown in pic of manual? Please advise.
Also what level are you all running this mini on



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Here's pic of mini in water. It is currently in 9" of water. Pic shows how high water level is with wedge pipe wide open


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Here's pic of mini in water. It is currently in 9" of water. Pic shows how high water level is with wedge pipe wide open

9" of water is too deep and could cause problems with it overflowing down the line. Ideal depth is 7.75 to 8.5" deep. Your skimmer is brand new and needs a bit of time to break in before it starts really making bubbles. Also, did you wash the skimmer out completely before installing it in your tank? There is often stuff on the acrylic from the manufacturing process that can impact the skimmers ability to make foam in the short term. I always suggest washing anything new before you put it in the tank. Skimmers are no exception.

That said, it may take 24 hours after setting up before it starts making good foam. Especially if you didn't wash it thoroughly before setting it up. It can take a week to two weeks for the skimmer to completely break in.

The cup removal instructions are to prevent the skimmer from overflowing and flooding the cup during the break in process. You can go ahead and close the wedge pipe and raise the level in the skimmer but keep in mind that until the skimmer is fully broke in, your adjustments will likely be temporary.

That said, I would raise the skimmer up 1/2" or lower the sump level 1/2" let the skimmer settle in for a day then close the wedge pipe a bit if needed. You could try to run it at 9" but you might have overflow issues down the line as I mentioned above and the higher water level will also make the skimmer a bit more touch and difficult to tune.
Thanks for reply. Yes I risnsed the skimmer with hot water.
I will lower the level to 8.5". Hopefully it will settle in and start foaming nicely
Thanks again for the reply
Plan on picking up a mini 160 or 180, tank is 48g Trimless and sump will be 24". Should I go with the 180 or stay with the 160?