Hello, I am going to be setting up a new system soon and i think i have decided on a Bubble King Deluxe skimmer and wanted to know what you guys think i should get. The aquarium will be about 200 gallons SPS with heavily stocked. The whole system will be about 300 gallons. I was looking at the Bubble King Deluxe 200 or 250. It seams to not be a very big price difference so i think i am leaning towards the 250.
Now i have the question of external vs internal. I really like that with most external skimmers they can be placed in the sump if you have the room or outside the aquarium if you dont have the space. Can i do that with the bubble king and is there any performance difference between the external and internal. I have room for either.
Yes you can, but i have not seen anybody running a BK external internally. You would still need to feed it with a pump. In short it will work, But i would give the perforamnce edge to the internal to be run internally.
Last there is the new RDII pump that you can get with these. Is there a real benefit to getting these pumps or is it for people who like to control every little thing about their aquarium?
I see that PA is no longer selling them with the RDII pumps. The non skimmer models have been recalled. I know of a couple people running them and no problems as of yet. (1 year old) I would stick to the laguna pumps they are time tested and a very hard pump to beat! JMO