Bubble King Skimmer Club

so you just let it overflow without the cup or do you adjust the wedge pipe.

in any case, i still wanna know if it is bad for the pump to have it turn off and on regularly for cup cleaning.
the Mini 160 in my tank with about 12 hours worth of skimming in the cup. the foammate consistency with this skimmer is very different from what i'm used to seeing with the other skimmers i have used in the past.


i noticed the Red Dragon has a directional volute. what prevents the pin wheel from spinning in the wrong direction?

edit: Jeremy just answered my question. the pump block and impeller is designed to start up and spin in the correct direction every time.
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Note - The "Maximum Water Level" that is scribed onto the body of the skimmer is way off in my opinion. I"d suggest running the water level right at the seam where the cup meets the body, slightly higher than where you have it now.
yes, i knew about the limit line. i wasn't trying to follow it but i am using bio pellets and it seems to make the foammate very foamy. when i tried to go past above the line limit, all i get is water. as low as i have it now, the skimmate is still a bit clear. but i think it might still be breaking in so i will see how it goes.
i have always turn off my skimmers when i clean the cup and prefer to do it that way. although i never had any problems with any of them, it seems like the Red Dragon is more finicky which is why i want to make sure since i usually clean the cup once every 2 days.

i was reading something about the bypass yesterday and i think all it does is bring water inside to the impeller assembly to cool it to preven calcium precipitation since calcium precipitates on warmer surfaces. i guess the output where it is attached to is venturi driven where the water flowing out of the pump also sucks water through the impeller compartment.

as for the white volute, the v2 160 version never got a white volute. i think for the 160, they were able to raise the air draw from 400 to 600 lph just by improving the impeller and venturi without having to go to a bigger white volute.

Thanks a lot for clarifying :)
Let the skimming begin :D
yes, i knew about the limit line. i wasn't trying to follow it but i am using bio pellets and it seems to make the foammate very foamy. when i tried to go past above the line limit, all i get is water. as low as i have it now, the skimmate is still a bit clear. but i think it might still be breaking in so i will see how it goes.

Remember your tank is only 57G too. Mine is a 50G and this skimmer is a beast. I had to set mine to skim fairly dry and clean the riser tube every couple of days. I have since added a Swabbie and can skimmer a little wetter now.
Sump Depth Range?

Sump Depth Range?

Jeremey (or anyone else who is running a Supermarin 200), do you know if there is any reason why we can't run the sump depth at 6.5" inches in teh skimmer section? I've been experimenting with various depths between 6.5" and 8" and it seems to work fine. The Red Dragon pump is slightly exposed, so maybe that is an issue? But I think you can run these pumps external if you want to? The reason I am asking is that I am going to be building my custom sump soon and want to determine the optimal height to set the baffles. You really need baffles with this skimmer!!

By the way, I am loving my BK SM 200. I'll try and post some pics later. Thanks Jeremy for pointing me in the right direction!

Hi Brett, as long as the pump is not sucking air and cavitating then you'll be just fine. Obviously you want it to only suck air through the venturi, not the inlet of the pump. In my opinion though I would set the baffles to 8+ inches, then you can always raise the skimmer up some to your desired height. If you set them to 6.5" then you're stuck at that point if you ever want to go deeper.
Thanks Jeremy.

My plan is to set the baffles at 7". I am assuming that since I'll be pushing1500 gph through the sump (dimensions 33x24x16) the actual level will be higher then the baffles. How much higher I don't know. I know in my DT, it increased the height by about an 1". Couple that unknown with the idea of trying to maxmize the overflow capacity of the sump and I have to be careful not to over shoot my baffle height too, otherwise I won't have enough overflow capacity. I have three tanks (fuge, prop, and DT all flowing back to this sump, all with check valves). And it will be close. I could make the sump taller, but that creates some minor issues with skimmer collection cup drain which is just above 16". A minor problem/design consideration that can be addressed . I might just use a small bulkhead below the rim of the sump and connect the skimmer cup drain to it.

Thanks again for the feed back Jeremey!
I had my baffles set at 9" and the level ran at 9.5". My new sump has the baffles at 10" and it is running at 10.5". Both sumps were moving 800-1000g per hour. Seems like you would run at 7.5" to me. My 200 is running in 8.5" of water. I tried it at 6.5, 7, 7.5 and 8. Both 8&8.5 worked the best for me.
Does anyone know where you can order a replacement pump for a BK Mini 160 Gen1? My motor seems to be dying. I found my skimmer off yesterday. I took it down and cleaned it completely. I found no blockages or reasons it should be off. I restarted it and it was making a surge up and down sound. Then it shut off. Then it would restart then cut off. I tried it in different electrical outlets and got same response.

So today, I took it apart again. Found no problems with it. Got it in sump and restarted it. It turned on for about 10 seconds then turned off. It repeated this cycle a couple of times then stopped.

Since I bought this when they originally became available, I figured it might have lived it's lifespan.
Question is where can I get a pump replacement? I don't want to throw away this skimmer. It has been a work horse.
Does anyone know where you can order a replacement pump for a BK Mini 160 Gen1? My motor seems to be dying. I found my skimmer off yesterday. I took it down and cleaned it completely. I found no blockages or reasons it should be off. I restarted it and it was making a surge up and down sound. Then it shut off. Then it would restart then cut off. I tried it in different electrical outlets and got same response.

So today, I took it apart again. Found no problems with it. Got it in sump and restarted it. It turned on for about 10 seconds then turned off. It repeated this cycle a couple of times then stopped.

Since I bought this when they originally became available, I figured it might have lived it's lifespan.
Question is where can I get a pump replacement? I don't want to throw away this skimmer. It has been a work horse.

We have a motorblock available. Give me a call if you need it, 317-895-9005.
has anyone else experience the white part of the collection cup staining? i've had my Mini 160 for a couple of weeks now. the longest i've gone between cup cleanings is 4 days. i usually get it cleaned every 2 or 3 days. the white part of the cup where the skimmate sits and makes contact has discolored to a dark greenish gray. i'm wondering if anyone else has noticed this. i do not dose anything except for 2 parts. i do not run GFO either.
I also noticed that after the first day of use. I thought that it was from carbon dust that got skimmed out but I don't know. I wasn't running any other media at that time.
Me too....noticed that on the first day...
It's like the base picked up the stain of the skimmate. Was it designed to be like that?