Bubbletip anemone


New member
Hey guys, this guy been in tank since October, it did lose all its tentacles but has been recovering with regular shrimp feeding. It recently detached from the rock and seems to have taken up a position on the sand. Will it be OK there?

94litre (24g)kent marine bio reef
13kg live rock
4kg sand, 2kg as live.
Filter floss
1000 l/pH return pump
100w heater
Hydor 1600 flow pump
Tmc aquabar t series leds:
Fiji purple
Reef white
Tmc reef skim 100
Tmc fiter reactor 100

2 percula clowns (pair)
1 turbo snails
1 nassarius
1 red fire shrimp
1 purple firefish (stunning)
1 Black sailfin blenny
3 red legged hermit crab


1 acan
1 blastomussa
Several mushrooms
1 leather coral
2 finger coral
1 pulsing xenia
1 hammer
1 elegance


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Nem move to where the conditions are comfortable to them, in terms of light and flow.
You have no control on where he moves. Lucky he didn't move to the back. Enjoy!
He won't stay long on the sand. He'll take up residence wherever light and flow feel good to him. For now, he's just house hunting on foot.

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