Build Question


New member
Well folks,

it looks like i am finally getting the chance to go big. :)
i am going to be setting up my 55 Gal Reef Savvy, and have 1 question.

what kind of external pump should i go with...
at first i was leaning toward the eheim 1262 but then i saw the reef octopus DC 3500

what kinda led me toward the reef octopus DC over the eheim is the ability to control pump speed. i do want to run my carbon and phosban reactors from the return pump. all like biggar's setup.

what do you guys think?

Reef octopus or Eheim?
ummm go could run a 55 with a maxijet lol jk ....reef octopus would be nice ....but have you checked into the reeflow pumps they are some of the best external pumps out there .....especially if you are wanting an external pump with abilities of running multiple reactors
I agree with Matt .. Reeflo is the only way to go with external pump. Reeflo Blowhole would be the way to go
Well, I have an Eheim 1260 thats over 20 years old that still runs without a problem. I have not changed the impeller either. AND, the Eheim could be plumbed externally or used submersed. It can be soft plumbed with Vinyl tubing or hard piped with PVC since it has standard US NPTs (National Pipe threads).

Reeflo are great pumps. Mine had seal problems and they are humungus external pump the size of a shoe box or bigger. They require reallly large diameter intake holes ie 1.5" or bigger, drilling your sump if its glass would add another step.
Have eheim 1262 and love it, though I only us it internally. The reeflo would offer more power. Guess it depends on how much flow you need
Matt, a 55 is already huge to me... having a 100+ system i wouldn't even know where to start lol!

Originally i wanted to run a 1262, but looking at all the spec's.. i think i am going to go with the reef octopus.

and the reasons being.

the blowhole ( heh ) from reeflo is too big.. 9'x9'x9'.. @ 135w for the low setting.


Reef octopus 5500 6.5" x 6.3" x 5.2" @ 50W for the high setting.
bonus, its already 1 1/4 threaded connections.

i don't know how loud each of these pumps are. also the reef octopus is a little bit cheaper.

and the eheim i don't think will push too much water after i split the main return to feed 2 reactors.
Build Question

You really need to look at flow rate at 6' at max power the 5500 will do 1100gph . The BH will do 2400 gph. It's a huge difference.



the tank stand is 36 inches high -- so rough guess it i need to the pump to push the water up 40 inches. ( from where the pump is going to sit. )

but i am going to T off the return to feed the reactors. knowing this.. how much GPH would i need?

i honestly think the Size is too big on the Reeflo + too much power consumption.

Biggar, how did you calculate how big of a return pump you needed for your sick setup?
Well I think reactor about 80-160 gph depends on what setup. I just prefer high flow sump vs low flow with multiple power heads in the tank. My setup now is 135 gallon with a super dart pump it's going to be return to the tank through 4 outlets 2 which are connected to sea swirls. This gives great alternating and random current. I personally have never dealt with RO. I do know every one that has dealt with reeflo has had 100% feedback. I do believe they do offer smaller BH pumps I think. I am sure RO will be a great pump as well. Biggar system is sick and it's super quiet. One of the nicest I have seen. One cool feature of the the RO it draws 50 watts so it would be real easy to install a UPS that could last 12 hours.
Well I think reactor about 80-160 gph depends on what setup. I just prefer high flow sump vs low flow with multiple power heads in the tank. My setup now is 135 gallon with a super dart pump it's going to be return to the tank through 4 outlets 2 which are connected to sea swirls. This gives great alternating and random current. I personally have never dealt with RO. I do know every one that has dealt with reeflo has had 100% feedback. I do believe they do offer smaller BH pumps I think. I am sure RO will be a great pump as well. Biggar system is sick and it's super quiet. One of the nicest I have seen. One cool feature of the the RO it draws 50 watts so it would be real easy to install a UPS that could last 12 hours.

Not too long ago there were two guys that had not so favorable reviews of the blowhole. If you search this forum I'm sure you'll find the post.
Ive had Eheim, and they are workhorses. I currently run reefflow Snapper. I like both, but now you have DC pumps to choose from.

If you plan on adding reactors to your return, the obvious response is to increase your desired flow in tank minus the deviation for reactors.
i ended up getting the 10500 the BH has 3 speed settings, the RO has 6.. + the RO is a DC pump.
will post pics of the build when it comes. :)