Build Thread: 232 Gallon Peninsula Tank

Thanks for the complements guys.

The quarantine tank finally finished processing the nitrites, and so the tank's first inhabitants are making their way through acclimation and into the quarantine tank over the next hour or two.

Here's the quarantine set up. An 18" cube with a HOB filter, a small inexpensive LED light, a heater, and two plumbing fixtures for hiding. You may note I'm using the ReefAcclimate XL from ReefGently to help with the acclimation process.

Here is a shot of the two "founder" fish for my reef system.

In other news, I plan to start setting up the controller this week, which will allow me to get the heater and pumps going in my main display tank. Next weekend, I'll begin working on the DIY canopy.
Looking good. Ive got a 225 I plan on doing a peninsula with I'll be tagging along for ideas and such.
Great build. I'm designing a peninsula build for my living room as well and noise is my number one concern. I'm tagging along to see how those MP60s work for you. Flow wise, they will surely do the trick. Given that you have created a dead silent return set up, I'm wondering how much noise they will create. As for the skimmer, has that quieted down for you yet?
This is one awesome build, I was just talking about how I wanted to do a peninsula tank the other day. Will definitely be following along. I also really like your rock work the way it is.
Its been quite a while since I've posted. Sorry about that folks. The "interesting" stuff with the build is done, now its down to the monotonous, time consuming grow-out process.

Here's a full recap of where we are and what's been happening.

  • 232 gallon penninsula display (72 long x 24 wide x 30 deep)
  • 250 lbs BRS Reefsaver rock in the display
  • 1 inch sand bed, CarbiSea argonite sand
  • 65G Sump, with no sand or rubble, but with about 30lbs of base rock
  • Bubble King Supermarin 200 skimmer
  • 7" felt socks from BRS
  • Salt Mix - Reef Crystals from Instant Ocean
  • 1 BRS Jumbo Media reactor with 4C BRS Bulk Premium ROX carbon
  • 1 BRS Jumbo media reactor with 3C BRS High Capacity GFO
  • Neptune APEX controller
  • 3 Ecotech Radions
  • Tunze Osmolator top off system
  • RODI system for top off water and salt mix (0 TDS after filteration)
  • 2 part dosing system for Alk and Ca
  • 2 independent 30G quarantine systems, one for fish (with copper) and one for corals/inverts
  • 1300 GPH Reef Octopus return pump, driving media reactors and water recirculation
  • 2 Ecotech MP60 powerbeads, typically run at 50%)

  • mated pair black ocellaris clowns
  • mated pair barlett anthias
  • 3 banggai cardinals
  • 1 Kole tang
  • 5 blue/green chromis
  • 1 diamond watchman goby
  • 1 naoko fairy wrasse
  • 1 midas blenny
  • Assorted snails and hermits
  • 1 Red Sea Sailfin Tang (still in quarantine with 1 week to go)

  • 1 hammer frag
  • 2 torch corals frag
  • 1 duncan (Thriving!)
  • 1 star polyp frag
  • assorted polyps
  • 1 ricordia mushroom
  • 4 montipora frags
  • 1 millipora frag
  • 1 acropora frag
  • 1 aleviapora frag(triving!)

  • pH 7.9 most of the time, ranges between 7.8 and 8.0. (I just CAN'T keep it above 8.0 like I would like to.)
  • Temp kept between 78.0 and 79.0 F
  • Alk 10.5 dkH
  • Ca 425
  • Nitrate 2ppm and very stable. Has been this way for >3 months)
  • Mg 1320
  • I don't bother testing phosphate anymore, as I found the tests to be non-repeatable.
  • estimate display water turn over 35x per hour
  • Lights @ 50% power, using natural cycle and on between 12pm-8pm, with 2 hours of blue light from 8pm to 10pm.

  • feed fish twice per day, 1 cube of pre-cleaned PE mysis per feeding, plus a small quantity of a random other food: Spectrum pellets or flake or Reef Nutrition roe or Cyclopeeze
  • Spot feeding of coral is done rarely, although I intend to start doing it more often. (perhaps weekly?)
  • empty and clean skimmer every other day
  • replace filter sock every other day
  • clean filter socks with vinegar in the washing machine weekly
  • 35-40G water changes every other week (includes sand siphoning)
  • clear algae from glass as needed (about 2x per week)
  • Clean wet side of M60s about every other month
  • Change carbon about every 30-45 days
  • Change GFO about every 30-45 days
  • ALL tank inhabitants get quarantined (including corals, cleanup crews) for about 4 weeks

  • BRS rock wes cycled in the garage for two months starting at the beginning of Nov 2012
  • Display was filled with rock and water on 1/13/2013.
  • Rock was cycled again until 2/18 when first livestock was added.
  • Fish and coral additions have been very gradual, limited largely by the quarantine bottleneck
  • I've seen several "cycles" come and go during the first six months, Nitrogen cycle, Diatom outbreak in first month, a small "outbreak" of hydroids (gone now for over 3 months), Terrible outbreak of brown hair algae (mostly gone now), Even worse outbreak of "cloudy water syndrom" which made the water almost milky for over a month, even though nutrient levels were low and my water change habits were good,
  • I'm experiencing an outbreak of red cyano bacteria now, which is spreading in patches, but not growing quickly. I hope it cycles through like my other plagues have.
  • Coraline algae very slowing starting to take hold. Its only barely noticeable in some places.
  • I have not seen any signs of copepods. This is frustrating since a mandarin is on my wish list.

  • About a month ago, I finally completed a bucket-less waterchange system. What a relief!
  • My Apex Controller is now managing the tank, but what a pain it was to set up.
  • At one point I dropped my Tunze top off AC adaptor into my sump. DAMN. I had to order a replacement and top off by hand for over a week.
  • I hate how loud my Ecotech MP60s are, but I must admit they do a good job. They are practically the only thing I can hear.
  • My canopy design works great. Its very strong, easy to feed from, and opens enough to give me full access to the tank.
  • I have tried four different ways of keeping snails out of my overflow box. None of them have worked competely. The small ceriths can get through anything it seems. My latest attempt is to give up on trying to keep things out of the overflow box. Instead, I put a mesh filter over the siphon intake. Hopefully that will work.
  • My SPS frags were added to the tank about two weeks ago after spending a month in my coral quarantine tank. They started to brown out in there (no surprise I guess), but they've not started to color up yet in the display. I hope they do or I'm going to be disappointed. I don't know why they wouldn't with my tank parameters looking so good and stable.

I'll post some photos later after the lights are up.
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Yeah... I've read this entire thread as well and wondered. It's been about a year since the last update. How's things going now? Everything still working as planned?
I am thinking of building a stand like yours for a 72" long 280 gallon tank. Would you use the same design or do things differently if you did it again?