SI-AM Ocean ZeoMATE....Automatic Zeolite Reactor
"Innovation....with good looks"
- Very good build quality.*
- Beautifully crafted with attention to detail.*
- Acrylic bond and seals are flawless and neat.*
- All white - elegant *
- Thumb screws for easy and quick removal of lid.*
Dual chamber
- Inner chamber can be removed separately with the zeolite stones.
- Media easily replaced and chamber installed back with least hassle.*
- Inner chamber can be rotated (clockwise - anti clockwise) for manual stirring if needed. But no push-pull action.*
- Holds upto 1.5 litres of media.*
Base of the media reactor chamber has an Inverted cone design.*
Space saving design
- Foot print reduced by incorporating the media stirrer pump within base of the reactor.*
Efficient pumps
- Feeder pump - Eheim 1250
- Media stirrer pump - Eheim 1262
Custom made "non-return" valve to work with feed pump.*
Customized "Flow Regulator" designed for the feed pump
Innovative feeder pump flow dispersion.
The media stirrer pump connected at the apex of the cone of inner chamber to allow for maximum flow through with minimal loss of head and hence better agitation of the media.*.*
Customizable outlet plumbing length and direction of effluent.*
ZeoMATE is a blend of "functionality with good looks"
COMING SOON...."Wet Test Review"