BUILDING A DREAM....SPS Dominated Tank build

My new "on wall" ocean :lol:

Low maintenance system ever :lol2:


Sorry for going off topic...:)

The past week was a very busy one :)

Status Update:
- Added sand
- Aquascaping completed
- Plumbing completed
- ZeoMATE Reactor installed
- PO4 Reactor installed
- Electrical setup completed
- Profilux installed and components installed
- Chiller installed
- Water filled in tank :)

What's remaining:
- Lighting installation
- Skimmer
- Doser setup
Hello Reef Noob, your project is amazing, cant wait to see filled aquarium... Can you tell me where did you bought si-am zeomate and ATO chamber? I can't find anywhere on internet their products....
Hello Reef Noob, your project is amazing, cant wait to see filled aquarium... Can you tell me where did you bought si-am zeomate and ATO chamber? I can't find anywhere on internet their products....

Hi dule696,
Thanks a lot for the kind words of compliment.
SIAM doesnt have a website as of yet and they are working on it :)
I got my products direct off Thailand.