Bulk Reef Supply Security Breach

Got the same letters in the mail yesterday. Now I know why my card was tapered with. The one time I use it online and with Bulk Reef it happened. It happened not once but twice in a span of 2 months. Not Blaming Bulk Reef for the issues because it's happening to more and more companies and not just the small time ones either. Whoever is suppose to be in charge of the security features for all big named companies need to beef up there software to stop they folks from hacking into the system.
I received the letter and also had my card compromised last week. Funny cause it's a card only used for reef purchases, so confident it was from the breach. After some time on the phone with card company last week, yesterday it was all fixed.


I just got my letter in the mail yesterday offering me one year of identity theft protection. Who's going to pay for it the year after that and the year after that?

They need to fire their IT department.

Why would they fire their IT techs when its hackers that have compromised their systems. That would be like saying, You were working one day and someone came in an robbed a store you work for, Should You Be Fired?

Needless to say, They offered a free fraud protection for a year, that in my opinion is saying we at BRS want to extend our apologies and offer you a free year of fraud prevention service for a year. Take it as you see it though.
"I got one as well!, & Activated it!"
Happy Reefing....
Paypal for payments and LastPass for password management. Let the companies that do this full time manage those pieces as they will be the most secure. Not saying they can't be hacked but they employ teams of security analysts that are constantly doing penetration testing so their chances of being hacked are much less when compared to the average company. The only other website that I allow to store my credit cards besides paypal is Amazon for the exact reason above.

You can hire a handyman to do your plumbing or you can hire a plumber. If you're not paying for it anyway then why use the handyman?!?
My card I used at BRS (and other places) was hit with online purchases to the tune of $2000 back just after Christmas. They ordered a bunch of stuff from Macy's East online. I have no evidence to support the info came from BRS, but the timing is correct.
I too got my letter and had my credit card number jacked. ~$380 from somewhere in France. First time in my entire life have I had someone use my credit card without my authorization. And I buy online quite a dang bit.

To whoever said the letters were too little too late, I completely agree. The letter came over a month after my credit card fraud. Could that mean it wasn't BRS's fault? Sure I guess. But like I said, this has never EVER happened to me before. So that would be a pretty friggin big coincidence.
We placed an order several weeks ago and then the next day we got the notice that our card might have been compromised. :uzi: Wished they would have informed us before the purchase. We could have gotten one of those one time charge cards.
Has there been a second problem at BRS?

Has there been a second problem at BRS?

2 days after my last purchase from BRS in April 2015 I have a fraudulent charge again on my bank card. This happened to me in January also? Has there been a 2nd set of problems on their website? I'm getting ready to call them, will update.
They aren't having any problems

They aren't having any problems

I talked to BRS and they say they aren't having any problems at this time they are aware of. They have a new server and said they have all that taken care of? Leaves me wondering how my card got hacked this time? Hoping no other problems out there.
I got a letter from them, only thing is I moved 3 months ago and the letter was in a friends name who lives 600 miles away. It's a scam to drum up business