Burning Mantel


New member
I just upgraded my lighting to metal halide with 2-400w AB lights from 870w of VHO ligthing how can I tell if my calms are not ajusting to the new lights or if I'm hurting them with to much light. all clams are crocea and maximas with 1 hippopus calm in a sps tank :wave: :wave:
Sometimes the edges of the mantle will curl up. Or clam will close more than usual to help it keep light at bay.

Crocea's and maxima's should be ok.

Clams may also bleach if they are having a problem with to much stress.

If they look good, you have nothing to worry about.

Did there appearance make you think they are having problems, or are you just being cautious?


Thanks for the reply
all clams are wide open and a blue/purple maxima looks wrinkled not on the edges but towrds the center. I don't know if it always did this or I'm looking a lot closer do to the new lights. hoe can I tell if the clam starts to bleach?
The color will fade. Sometimes it will start in the center of the clam.

You can always reduce your lighting period to be safe, and then build it back up a little.

best of luck, Rob
If the color of your maximas start to turn from blue/purple to brown the mantles are getting too much light. They are actually being burnt.