Bush Creates World's Largest Marine Reserve

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i dont like bush but i will give him credit he did do a good thing here. i mean the reefs are dieing at least now some of it cant be taken out and it has a little bit more of a chance of surviving, what would be left if the ocean dies off?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7790265#post7790265 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by chocolateblnt
Soon after creating the World's Largest Marine Reserve George W. Bush goes to war with the sea creatures when rumors leak it was built on an oilfield :lol2:

LOL that's great :lol:

I just find it ironic that's he's creating a marine reserve yet he's doing nothing to stop big business from poluting the waters.
Pardon me as I'm the new kid on the block...

But I try to judge individual decisions ANY President makes on their own merits. I'm conservative, but I certainly agreed and appreciated some decisions made by Clinton, for instance.

And although I'm conservative, I oppose many of the things Bush does. This measure, however, is good and he should be commended in this case.

The problem I see in the world around me is that people don't seem to be able to separate feelings and issues. If one policy is right, clap. If another is wrong, fight it.

What happened to the world in the last 30 years where we are now unable to do that? Seems like Presidents are now pure evil to either one side or the other. We haven't been in this state of mind even in the era of the civil war.
I agree with you very much duncan. Now it's more about faithfully following party lines regardless of the reasoning or the consequences. I would apply the blame for the polorization squarely on the shoulders of one party in particular that will remain nameless.

It used to be about decisions and issues, individually. I could spell this out more but it would turn into one big argument.

I too applaud Bush on this single issue but many of the decisions leading up to this do not erase the many mistakes(?) that will be paid for in decades to come.

This is my last post for this thread.
I applaud Bush for this, although it's a small improvement over his historical record. Also, it is conveniently timed with Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth" release. Gore's movie opened May 26, Bush announced this on June 15. But, this is politics, what do you expect. Bush is pro-conservation only as long as it doesn't interfere with big business making big money. Again, politics. But, kudos to Bush for this relatively minor gesture.
exactly hippiesmell.... But what everyone really forgets in this debate is that if it wasent for Bush stealing the election from Gore in the first place we wouldent have to worry about this in the first place....because its no secret Gore is truely PRO enviroment... I guess what im really saying is Bush has never worked in a "rational" or "effective" or "up-front" or "rightious" manner from the beggining.... so why is it such a shock when he puts out these half bills that portect huge areas of reef, but im shure they really wont need much protection once either the sea becomes to poluted, the sea level rises and makes that reef no loger viable accept for deep reef life, or the temperature rises and makes a nice reef soup out of it, or the ozone just degrades to a point where bleaching becomes a realy problem... just remeber the big holes are above the poles right now.... Im not american so i can really only watch this comedy or errors, but seriously every one knew he stole the election, you should have done more about it when you had the chance, befor he pulled all that 9/11 BS (no offence, but seriously) and then started his own brand of "Neo-Mcarthyism" along with the war on terror, therefor once again making him the worlds greatest hippocrite, the facist spreader of democracy. Long story short...you had ur chance but its too late now
Yikes, BC, take a deep breath. As much as I dislike Bush, he isn't going to single handedly destroy the environment, and all is not lost because he's in office. Poor leaders come and go. Environmentalism has simply gone from top down to bottom up (i.e. local government instead of federal). It might not be the best scenario, but it's progress.

9/11 and stolen elections are other issues that I'd rather not get into. As I said, poor leaders come and go. The U.S. is in the midst of a large shift in opinion as to where we a country should be heading. I just hope we follow through with what we know needs to be done.
All i have to say to that is

911 cover up

Get enraged, you are a puppet . I mean I know bad poloticans come and go.... but he wasnet supposed to be here in the first place....How could you let him get away with his biggest and id say worst mistake ever, because it was the predecessor mistake to everything
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Dude, don't insult me and make it sound like it's my fault. I'm well aware of the coverup, it's not like it's a secret. We are wayyyyy off topic here, so how about we just let it go, ok?
:rolleye1: :crazy1:
BCreefmaker you are not an American so don't bash the American president on this American message board. This goes for everyone else too. This is a reef board. If anyone wants to bash Bush there are plenty of other message boards you can visit where your opinions are welcomed. I believe it's against RC rules to carry on like this. I came to this forum to learn more about responsible reefkeeping and instead I read this whole fiasco. Shame on you.
Not to mention it's utter and complete horse dung. That conspiracy video is unbeliveable by ordinary and sane people.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7968229#post7968229 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Chihuahua6
BCreefmaker you are not an American so don't bash the American president on this American message board. This goes for everyone else too. This is a reef board. If anyone wants to bash Bush there are plenty of other message boards you can visit where your opinions are welcomed. I believe it's against RC rules to carry on like this. I came to this forum to learn more about responsible reefkeeping and instead I read this whole fiasco. Shame on you.
BCreefmaker went to an extreme, but discussing Bush in the context of environmentalism is within reason because that is what this thread is about. I think it is a little silly for all of us to praise Bush regarding the marine reserve without pointing out his shortcomings, because let's face it, his record is less than stellar.
"BCreefmaker went to an extreme, but discussing Bush in the context of environmentalism is within reason because that is what this thread is about. I think it is a little silly for all of us to praise Bush regarding the marine reserve without pointing out his shortcomings, because let's face it, his record is less than stellar."
The thread is about a good thing overall, something we all want and all believe in, protecting our reefs. If we can protect the world's reefs, even a small bit at a time, it is a good thing... period. This board is about responsible reefkeeping and the original post merely posted a link to something Bush did to preserve a particular area. Remember the subject here, the marine reserve. Bush is not the subject, his shortcomings are not the subject, his record is not the subject. Let's discuss what we all share, what we are passionate about. We come here to discuss reefs because that's what we all have in commmon. Not everyone here has the same political views and none of us joined RC to discuss our political views, period.
Can we get back on track now? Let's talk about the new reserve. Every little bit of conservation helps especially with educating people to feel the same way. The protected areas are expanding. Let's hope the trend continues.
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